Making a Gift Pile

I know not all of you are football fans, but yesterday my favorite team (the Browns) clinched their first playoff berth in 18 years. So to celebrate, I put on my Nick Chubb jersey and decorated my left room (former Turkey Day room) to be football/Browns themed.

My Browns themed room in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Over at the campsite, I found a lost book on the ground. It was about potted plants and bonsai trees, and I remembered that is Rizzo’s cup of tea. So I took it over to the resident rat, and he rewarded me with some mariachi clothing.

Rizzo: I believe THAT makes us square. Maybe you even owe ME one. It's some mariachi clothing!
The only thing I owe you is a nice piece of moldy cheese in a mousetrap.

Late last night, I shot down a balloon present that contained a DIY recipe for a festive rug.

Louie asked about moving out, but I told him to stay. Why is it taking so long for Rizzo to ask?

Today, Tia was sick with a cold. I made some medicine and took it over to her. She’s already starting to feel better, and she rewarded me with a school hat.

I visited another town where Nook’s Cranny was selling red wrapping paper. So when I returned home, I was finally able to craft the gift pile recipe I got from Jingle on Toy Day. (My shop hasn’t had red wrapping paper since then!)

The gift pile furniture in ACNH.

I recently went a couple days without building any snowboys. Either I had trouble finding both snowballs, or I accidentally kicked one into an obstacle and didn’t see it return.

I think my recent additions to Candy Cane Lane didn’t leave enough free space for both snowballs to spawn in that area. But after moving some things back a bit, I did find both snowballs there today. Unfortunately, the snowboy I built wasn’t perfect. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

I wrapped up my night standing on the beach, listening for balloon presents and enjoying the northern lights.

The northern lights shine in the sky above Forest.

I did shoot down a couple of balloon presents, but no new festive recipes. I did get a nice bidet, though. 😛 See you all next time!

UPDATE: Shortly after posting this entry, I shot down a balloon present that contained a DIY recipe for an illuminated present. It looks like I only need five more festive recipes.

Mysterious Painting

I had quite a bit of mail waiting me in the mailbox today. Yesterday’s Snowboy sent me some ice flooring, and I received the five New Year’s Day items I ordered from Nook Shopping. That included the 2021 celebratory arch, which I put up at the entrance to Candy Cane Lane.

The 2021 celebratory arch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I also received a letter from Mom (with Mom’s art attached), and most importantly, my mysterious painting from Jolly Redd. I took it over to Blathers at the museum, and he confirmed that it was real.

Mysterious Painting - January 2nd, 2021 - Donated by Jeff

Keaton was also hanging out in the art gallery. He was admiring the informative statue that I previously donated.

Keaton: I'm normally not the art-loving type. But thanks to your donation, I'm a changed eagle.

At Able Sisters, I bought a space parka and put it on.

Shortly before 6:00, I updated my dream for the first time in several weeks. So you can see Candy Cane Lane (and the rest of Forest) for yourself by going to dream address 6717-1633-3682.

K.K. Slider was in town, and he performed K.K. Jongara for me, Hornsby, and Keaton.

K.K. Slider performs for Hornsby, Jeff, and Keaton.

I found a lost item on the ground, and it was a comic book that featured a girl with big sparkling eyes. I asked Agent S about it, but she told me it looked like Apple’s book. I later found Apple on the beach, and gave her the book. She rewarded me with a soft-serve hat.

I wrapped up the soft-serve hat and gave it to Louie as his daily gift. To my surprise, he put it on! He looked funny with it on…so of course, I had to take a picture. 😛

Louie wears a soft-serve hat while crafting.

I shot down a balloon present that contained a DIY recipe for a festive tree. This is just the small, basic Christmas tree that you could normally buy at the shop in previous games. I made one and put it in my house, even though Christmas is over. 😛

Holiday Party

Happy New Year, everyone! Now through January 15th, there are seven new seasonal items available through Nook Shopping; that’s more than you can order in a day! The highlight is the 2021 celebratory arch.

The order screen for the New Year's seasonal items, including the 2021 celebratory arch.

The zodiac ox figurine may also be noteworthy to New Leaf players, because it was a free gift given out in New Leaf just today!

In the mail, I received several glasses of sparkling cider that I ordered last night. I also got a letter from my latest Snowboy, who sent me a three-tiered snowperson.

I then made my final preparations for tonight’s holiday party, including building a bartender! 😉 That earned me 1,000 Nook Miles for making my 20th quality snowperson.

My bartender snowboy.

I wrapped up seven gifts to give to my visitors tonight: a monster statue, a streetlamp, a lighthouse, a teacup ride, 30 gold nuggets, a public bench, and a bag of 99k bells. They were all wrapped the same, and each visitor could take one when they arrive.

I was happy to see that Crazy Redd showed up today. I was pretty sure that three of his works of art were fakes, and the other one was something I hadn’t seen before: a mysterious painting, which I bought. Even though I’ve heard Redd can have four fakes occasionally, I like my odds when I know the other three are forgeries.

At 10:00, I opened my gate for my holiday party (and the first Friday Night Forest of 2021). Logan, Timo, Alex from Pawnee, and Alex from A-Nation showed up. While Timo disappeared, I showed the others my new winter area.

Logan, Alex, Alex, and Jeff in the winter area.

I suggested we should look for Timo, but I found her almost immediately. She was drawing something on the bulletin board. I laughed when I saw what it said.

Timo's art: Ya ha ha! You found me!

We then beat up Rizzo, fell into holes, and burned some sparklers by my 2021 sign.

Using some sparklers.

After Logan pooped on my pillar and got his tongue stuck on a frozen pole, William came over. We fell into holes again.

Six players falling into holes.

After that, we played an ice sumo tournament. Alex from A-Nation won the tournament, and we finished off the sumo ring with a 6-player battle of sumo. Alex from Pawnee won that one. I actually got 2nd place in the 6-player round, which shocked me. 😛 I’m normally one of the first out, haha. But congrats to both Alexes. Since I had two unclaimed gifts left over (since town didn’t fill up), both Alexes got a 2nd present as sumo prizes.

Logan disconnected, and the rest of us went back to the private beach. We had some fun with ocean sunfish, we did a little diving, and I started releasing fish and sea creatures over Redd’s ship! It was pretty cool. 🙂

William left about 11:30. Some of us did some fishing, and Timo surprised us by telling us that she just completed her fish collection! It was doubly shocking: For one thing, Timo spoke! 😛 She generally doesn’t say anything, so that alone was a surprise. But for someone who does as much fishing as Timo, I just assumed she would have already completed her collection. Well, congrats Timo!

I released some more fish over Redd’s ship, and then I ended the session about 11:45. Thanks to everyone who came, it was fun! And Happy New Year, everyone! I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow. 🙂