Squigged Out

Turnip prices never went any higher than Thursday’s 132 price, so I ended up selling my last few turnips at a loss (just 60 bells today). But I still made a profit overall for the week.

When I visited Agent S, she asked me for some fishing tips. She said she gets “squigged out” by fish bait, so she tries singing to the fish instead. And as you might expect, that does not work.

Agent S: I'm squigged out by fish bait, so I stand by the river and sing... but the fish always swim away.

Louie was in his house, sleeping standing up, while holding a duster. He was at least half-asleep when he asked me if I won “Best Pudding” at the awards ceremony.

Louie: J-bug! How'd the award ceremony go? Did you win Best Pudding?
Not yet, but how about I make some banana pudding?

I attended K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show, and I asked for a random song. He played Soulful K.K., which starts out sounding exactly like “Lean On Me.”

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little Soulful K.K.?

I spoke with Tybalt after the show, and he told me that he’s never eaten pizza before! 😮 Somebody needs to get that boy a slice!

Tybalt: I've never had pizza before...but you're getting me pumped to try it, it's scary!

There was a meteor shower underway tonight, so I wished on several shooting stars. This picture was taken by a new fence I put up near Frog Pond. I’m not sure if I’ll keep the fence or not, but I kind of like the way it looks. In fact, the spooky fence might be my favorite fencing in the game.

JVGS Jeff wishes on a shooting star in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I’ll be back with another tomorrow for Valentine’s Day. See you then!