Today is Valentine’s Day, and I was quite surprised by the volume of mail I had waiting for me in the mailbox: There were 13 new letters, twelve of which had gifts attached! The giftless letter was just my weekly HHA score, and one of the others was just a regular letter from Bones–he sent me a throwback gothic mirror.
But the other 11 were all Valentine’s Day letters, including this one from Isabelle. She included a heart-shaped bouquet.

The remaining letters were valentines from all ten of my villagers. They each sent me either a chocolate heart or the heart-shaped bouquet that Isabelle sent. I didn’t have the heart to sell them, so I put them all in storage for now.
Over on the beach, I ran into Wisp. He asked me to recover his five spirits for him.

Once I found them all and returned them to Wisp, he rewarded me with an eye mask. That’s an interesting gift; I didn’t see it coming.
After 9:00, I headed over to Logan’s town of Moonscar for his Valentine’s Day party. Alex (from Pawnee) and Nami were also there. Logan always decorates so nicely for holidays!

Before long, Jj also joined in. Lolly the cat recently moved into Logan’s town, so I had to go meet her…so that I can eventually steal her away, muhahaha!

Logan also scanned in Bob from an amiibo card, so Bob was in the campsite. I’m starting to think Logan purposely gets my favorite villagers in his town just to torture me.

Jj turned into a sheep, and we all started chasing her for some reason. But unfortunately, she had to leave not long after that. Logan gave us a tour of his town, and we spent quite a while vaulting over his heart-shaped pond. Then I went swimming and diving, and Nicky also came over to join in.
We ran around at town hall and eventually went back to Logan’s house. It was a bit chilly in there, though.

About 11:40, I returned home. Thanks to Logan for hosting, and thanks to everyone there for a good time!
Back in Forest, Keaton had a thought bubble above his head. He was asking about moving out of town. Keaton has grown on me quite a bit since he first moved into town, and I do like him. But it’s taking forever for Rizzo to ask about moving out, and Forest does need some fresh blood, so I decided to let Keaton go.

Now I’m wondering if I’ll keep his house plot up on Eagle Mountain, or if I’ll move it. If Keaton’s replacement is another eagle, it’ll be an easy decision. Otherwise, I’m not sure what I’ll do. Maybe I’ll just wing it.
Anyway, I posted a new video today, taking a look back at many of the conveniences that New Horizons has added to the series. New Horizons isn’t a perfect game and it’s still missing a lot of things from previous games, but I thought we could all use a reminder of how much New Horizons has brought to the table.
Tomorrow is Festivale, so I’ll be back with another blog entry then. Viva Festivale!