The Eagle Has Landed

Yesterday, Gulliver was in town, and I dug up his communicator parts for him.

I then redeemed some Miles for five Nook Miles Tickets and headed to the airport. It was time to visit some mystery islands for potential villagers! Even though I do still need a snooty villager for their reactions, I decided I wasn’t going to turn down a villager I really wanted. Besides, I’m still hoping to get rid of Rizzo soon, so I could always get a snooty then.

The first island I visited was a bamboo island with Penelope. Considering I already have one mouse that makes me want to gouge my eyes out, I wasn’t interested in another.

Penelope: Wow!

The 2nd island was a spiral island that had Apollo on it!

Apollo: Don't believe we've met. Name's Apollo!

I like Apollo a lot, and he was probably my favorite eagle until Keaton moved in (and grew on me) last year. And even though it wasn’t important for me to have an eagle move onto Eagle Mountain, I admit it’s a nice bonus. So I asked him to move in!

Believe it or not, I actually don’t have much experience with Apollo. He lived in one iteration of Bananas (ACCF), and I may have had him in the GameCube game at some point (but probably not for long). When I Googled my site for Apollo pics, only two screenshots came up–when he twice appeared as a camper in New Leaf. So this will be a good chance to finally get to know him better.

Today, I received my reward from Gulliver: It’s a tam-o’-shanter. So I see he’s back to sending me hats again, although this one isn’t particularly ugly as Gulliver hats go. 😛

Jeff tries on the tam-o'-shanter from Gulliver.

Apollo has moved in, although he’s still in the process of unpacking. Welcome to Forest, Apollo!

Apollo: You said you wanted me to move here I am! A bona fide resident like you, pah!

There was a new Nintendo Direct today, and it included a look at the new Mario items coming up in New Horizons soon. The update will be available next week, although we can’t order the items until March 1st.

The best part about the Mario items is the warp pipe. You can place two in your town, and warp to another part of your island! Very cool! That will make a nice addition to any future obstacle courses I design. I also really like the flagpole, and I’ve been hoping to see it for a while.

I’ve already had several people ask me if I’ll be making a “Mario Plays New Horizons” video series, but I have no plans to do that. Especially since we can only have one island per Switch.

Are you all excited about the Mario items in New Horizons? Leave a comment below. And Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

Update: No Friday Night Forest this week, but I will have one next week (February 26th). That will be the last time to see my holiday movie obstacle course (except for the video, of course).

12 thoughts on “The Eagle Has Landed”

  1. I’m so poor I only have like 20,000 bells so I probably can’t afford alot of the Mario items..also I have apollo in pocket camp!

  2. I’m so excited for the Mario items! I think the warp pipe can only have 2 connected or that if you place more then 2 it will teleport you randomly, I also had a idea where you have a special area you can only get to via the pipe (put fences around it.) And have it be like a little Mario themed area..

  3. I had Apollo in New Leaf, but he didn’t last (he just left without telling me). Only other eagle I’ve had any personal experience with is Celia, whom I had in New Horizons but ultimately let go when she asked because we just weren’t “clicking”.

  4. I love Apollo, I have him in City Folk and he is one of my favorite villagers. I am looking forward to the Mario items in ACNH that were announced at the direct. The warp pipes are so cool as a feature. I would just need to find a place in my town to put them. Other things at the direct I am looking forward to are the new Smash fighters. Skyward Sword HD looks good because you don’t have to use motion controls. Splatoon 3 I was not expecting and I still have not played a Splatoon game.

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