Circle of Life

On Saturday night, K.K. Slider was in town. I asked him for a random song, and he played K.K. Marathon. The song wasn’t anything special, but I got a kick out of how the lights from my Festivale stages showed up during the performance. I wasn’t expecting that, so it was a nice surprise light show.

Green and blue lights display during K.K.'s musical performance.

I’m now able to give Apollo gifts, so I gave him a wall clock I bought at the store a few days ago. It’ll be the first of many gifts for my new eagle as I start working towards earning his photo…uh, I mean, friendship. 😛

Last night, Wisp was in town. I collected and returned his five spirits. In return, he gave me an oversized shawl overshirt. I was understandably underwhelmed by the oversized overshirt. 😉

I release

Today, Hornsby told me that he smacks rocks to find bugs, but he usually just finds bells…which he uses to buy snacks…

Hornsby: I smack rocks to find bugs, but usually I just find bells. So I spend those bells on snacks...

And then the crumbs from those snacks are eaten by the bugs in his house. Ah, the circle of life. 😂

Hornsby: And the snack crumbs I drop are food for the bugs in my house! It all works out! Man, nature is beautiful...

Since Rizzo is getting a little too comfortable in town, I decided to remind him who’s in charge…by pitfalling him twice. 😛 He needs to start thinking about moving out of town!

Rizzo falls into a pitfall.

I posted a new video yesterday, New Horizons Moments #6. It features some of the best moments from this year so far. I hope you enjoy it!