Circle of Life

On Saturday night, K.K. Slider was in town. I asked him for a random song, and he played K.K. Marathon. The song wasn’t anything special, but I got a kick out of how the lights from my Festivale stages showed up during the performance. I wasn’t expecting that, so it was a nice surprise light show.

Green and blue lights display during K.K.'s musical performance.

I’m now able to give Apollo gifts, so I gave him a wall clock I bought at the store a few days ago. It’ll be the first of many gifts for my new eagle as I start working towards earning his photo…uh, I mean, friendship. πŸ˜›

Last night, Wisp was in town. I collected and returned his five spirits. In return, he gave me an oversized shawl overshirt. I was understandably underwhelmed by the oversized overshirt. πŸ˜‰

I release

Today, Hornsby told me that he smacks rocks to find bugs, but he usually just finds bells…which he uses to buy snacks…

Hornsby: I smack rocks to find bugs, but usually I just find bells. So I spend those bells on snacks...

And then the crumbs from those snacks are eaten by the bugs in his house. Ah, the circle of life. πŸ˜‚

Hornsby: And the snack crumbs I drop are food for the bugs in my house! It all works out! Man, nature is beautiful...

Since Rizzo is getting a little too comfortable in town, I decided to remind him who’s in charge…by pitfalling him twice. πŸ˜› He needs to start thinking about moving out of town!

Rizzo falls into a pitfall.

I posted a new video yesterday, New Horizons Moments #6. It features some of the best moments from this year so far. I hope you enjoy it!

3 thoughts on “Circle of Life”

  1. hi jeff. today my new horizons save file was deleted, since my old switch broke and the new one didn’t transfer the data. i had 330 hours on it. two years ago my new leaf save file was corrupted after two years of having it. it’ll be nice to keep seeing your town grow though.

  2. On February 24th, it will be the last day of snow in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. That’s tomorrow, so be sure to make your last Snowboy that day!

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