Grass Returns

Yesterday, I found Gullivarrr on the beach. I went diving and retrieved his communicator for him.

Gullivarrr stands up.

Near the plaza, I listened in on a conversation between Bones and Louie. Bones wanted to know how Louie was so charming all the time. Wait…Louie? Charming? Him?

Bones: Man, Louie, how are you so charming all the time?

Louie said he regularly does cheek exercises that give him a clean, refreshing smile. Uh, if you say so. 😛

It was the last day for snow cover on the ground, so I made myself one last snowboy in Sudden Valley. So long, winter!

My last snowboy of the season.

The latest game update arrived last night, but I didn’t play until today. Nintendo sent a letter with a mushroom mural (animated Mario wallpaper) as a thanks for downloading the update. I also received my reward from Gullivarrr, a pirate rug–which looks like a treasure map! Here’s a look at both items.

The mushroom mural and pirate rug in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

A blossom lantern is now available as a seasonal item. Be sure to order it by March 3rd!

The blossom lantern, available until 3/3.

On the daily newscast, Isabelle noted that we can now start harvesting young spring bamboo.

And of course, the snow is now gone! Woohoo! I spotted Celeste up on Eagle Mountain, and she taught me the DIY recipe for a Pisces lamp.

SWEET! I learned

I also checked in on my snowboy. He’s starting to melt, but at least he lived to see spring.

My spring snowboy.

Friday Night Forest is tomorrow! Check back late Friday (or Saturday morning) for the blog entry.