I caught this yellow butterfly today, and it sure didn’t look like anything special…

But in fact, it was my 5,000th bug caught. So that earned me 3,000 Nook Miles, and I’ve now completed the “You’ve Got the Bug” achievements.

This also means I can probably put away my rotten turnip to draw ants, and I can stop catching every bug I see.
When I visited Apple, she complimented me on my frog tee. She said I look so active, so physical, so tired, and…so sweaty? Does it make me look like I’m about to croak or something?

Louie said he was watching me swing my net a lot yesterday, and he wants to introduce me to some friends of his. He said they’re a network for net work.

Celeste was in town, and she taught me a DIY recipe for a space shuttle!

At the obstacle course, I’ve made some minor cosmetic changes to the dungeon and galaxy areas. Now that I have more design slots available, I made half-space versions of the ground tiles there. That allows the dungeon and space patterns to go all the way up to the fence. Here’s the before and after pics of the Galaxy area.

Louie’s birthday is tomorrow, so I’ll be back with another entry then. But there’s no Friday Night Forest this week.