Yesterday, Hornsby commented about the face on my shirt. It was actually a frog face, since I was wearing a frog tee. He liked the shirt, but he said a Hornsby-faced shirt would be even better.

I bought an imperial dining lantern at Nook’s Cranny, and I gave it to Apollo as a gift. I thoroughly enjoyed the shocked look on his face.

Wisp was up on Rainbow Road, and I collected (and returned) his spirits, in exchange for a cute yellow wall. Flick was also in town, and I sold him seven bugs (mostly emperor butterflies) for about 40k.
Today, Rizzo sent me an item that he found in his closet. He said it reminds him of me; it’s a veiled gardening hat.

Gullivarrr was washed up on the beach, and I woke him up from his deep sea slumber. It’s only been five days since his last appearance! I was thinking Gullivarrr and Gulliver alternated weeks, but that’s not always the case.

I went diving for his communicator, and I found it on my 2nd attempt. He will send me a reward in the mail.
Nook’s Cranny has continued to have a new Bunny Day item in stock each day, and I particularly liked the Bunny Day topiary they had today.

It really just makes me miss the other topiaries that New Leaf had. I hope they come back at some point!
At the amusement park, I saw Tia walking into the dead end behind the arcade games!

She said she forgot to each lunch, but she’s sure not going to find any snacks back there!
Sorry, but no Friday Night Forest this week.