Dreaming of Ninten

Yesterday, I had a little chat with Rizzo at Able Sisters. He said that the pressure to look stylish without copying other people was enough to make a guy stop wearing clothes. WHAT? Don’t you dare start running around this town naked, Rizzo! OMG!

Rizzo: But you gotta look just like 'em or you're not in style! It's enough to make a fella stop wearin' clothes!

Last night, I visited Nintendo’s official dream island (Ninten) at dream address 6382-1459-4417. It has some Mario-themed areas, including Mario’s name spelled out in mini-islands.

The land mass spells out MARIO.

And of course, it showcases the new Mario items and makes good use of the warp pipes. You can teleport to several spots around town.

Luigi jumps out of a warp pipe.

It’s a good island, but I was actually a bit underwhelmed. I guess I just expected something amazing coming from Nintendo. In fact, I think AT&T beat Nintendo at their own game! The AT&T Land island that I featured in Dream Island Hopping 4 was much more impressive.

Today, I found a lost item that was stained with drool! That’s kinda gross.

This looks like someone's diary. Is this stain from drool? Maybe they fell asleep on it while writing.

I figured it probably belonged to a lazy villager (Hornsby or Bones). So I asked Hornsby about it, and he admitted it was his diary. He thanked me for returning it by giving me a denim jacket. Fortunately, there was no drool on the jacket. 😉

Gulliver was in town, so I dug up the five pieces of his communicator. He will be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

Gulliver: You're the best! Thanks for all your help. I promise to return the favor.

When I spoke with Midge, she said that my face is a real work of art today. Just like Tia the other day, Midge seems to be under the impression that I’m wearing makeup or something. I don’t understand where this is coming from. I even double-checked that I didn’t pick the rosy cheeks option and I’m not wearing any patterns on my face either. 🤷

Midge: Your face is a real work of art today, burrito.

I’m going to be busy finishing up my Mario obstacle course over the next couple days. See you all soon! 🙂

Dinner For Lunch

At Able Sisters today, I thought I’d take a closer look at the hedgehogs’ family photos. This is such a cute detail in the series.

The Able Sisters family photos.

When I spoke with Midge, she told me she was having trouble coming up with a dinner plan…for lunch. 😛 Breakfast for dinner is good, so why not dinner for lunch? 😉

Midge: I'm struggling to come up with a last-minute dinner plan, for lunch...
Spoiler alert: She settled on worms for lunch and dinner. 😛

Tia was visiting Apple, and Apple thought it was really, really weird that Tia and I were both there at the same time.

Apple: Wow! You're both here at the same time? How...totally weird! Both of you! Here! At the same time!
Apple: What a weird day! So weird!

Okay chill out, it’s not that weird. Did she think Tia and I were the same person or something? Why would it be that big of a deal?

At the plaza, K.K. Slider performed one of my favorites: Two Days Ago. Agent S and I really enjoyed the show.

K.K. Slider performs for Agent S and Jeff.
Blue and green lights for blue and green people. 😛

Apollo was up at the campsite, sitting on a log bench near the lake. Except that he was facing the wrong way! You don’t sit on a bench facing away from the lake and waterfall! Who does that? Well, besides Apollo, I mean. 😛

Apollo sits on a bench at the campsite, facing away from the lake.

I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend! See you next time. 🙂

Midge’s Birthday

Yesterday, Label sent me two letters in the mail. One had my tailors ticket, and the other included a Labelle skirt (my reward for successfully nailing the vacation look). I also received the shamrock doorplate I ordered from Nook Shopping, so I put it on my front door.

Gullivarrr the pirate was on the beach, and I went diving for his communicator. I found it on my third attempt this time, and I returned it to the pirate. It looks like he found himself a new sidekick.

Gullivarrr: Arrr! Have ye found it yet?
Here’s your phone… Oh, and you can keep the sidekick too!

Celeste was also in town, and she gave me a DIY recipe for a rose wand.

I’m continuing to order the shamrock items through Nook Shopping. I ordered the shamrock rug yesterday, and then the shamrock soda today.

Shamrock soda.

The soda looked so good that I actually ordered three of them. This makes me wonder if Patrick, the guy who made the great New Leaf dream town of Shamrock, has a New Horizons town. This item would look great in an Irish pub!

My reward from Gullivarrr came in the mail today, and it was a pirate-ship helm. I couldn’t wait to give it a spin. 😉

The pirate-ship helm from Gullivarrr in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

Rizzo was hanging out at Peach Park, and Rizzo said he was hoping to see me. But my view of him was obstructed by a cliff (I could only see his ears). 😛

Rizzo: Hey there, burrito! Was hoping I'd see you.

Today is Midge’s birthday, so I made her a present, customized it, and wrapped it. Happy birthday, Midge! 🙂

Midge: Oh, for lunch! You brought me a birdbath!

She asked if I was sure I wanted to give her such an expensive gift. Considering I made it myself, I’m just hoping she wasn’t being sarcastic. 😛 Unless that dialogue is related to the item being customized? I’m not sure.

Hornsby was also there to help her celebrate. He was talking about his first-ever taste of birthday cake. I’m not sure how he can even remember that!

Hornsby: When I had my first cake, I grabbed a handful and smeared it on my face, my belly, and on top of my head!

Hornsby will be enjoying a cake of his own on March 20th (the same day as the game’s anniversary). Anyway, I earned 500 Nook Miles for attending my 10th villager birthday party.

Birthday Celebration: 10/20

Work on my obstacle course is coming along nicely, and I’d say it’s at least half done. I’ll be working on it more over the weekend.

Never Stop Crossing! 🙂