Turning Into Mario

On Wednesday, I received my worthy painting in the mail from Jolly Redd. I rushed it over to the museum, and I was very happy (and a bit surprised, actually) when Blathers informed me that it was an authentic work of art!

Worthy Painting - March 3rd, 2021 - Donated by Jeff

I also received more of my ordered Mario items in the mail. However, I was a bit disappointed by the large mushroom platform initially, because it wasn’t letting me use it as a table. However, it can be used that way. Maybe I just wasn’t standing in the right place or something.

The large mushroom platform.

Tybalt asked me for a wharf roach, and I agreed to help out. But after a few trips back and forth without finding the bug, I decided to use my warp pipes to help out my search! I put one on each side of the beach, and that helped me to find the bug quicker than crossing town repeatedly. These warp pipes can be used in so many ways!

Yesterday, the Nooklings were paying 144 bells for turnips. I sold 1,000 of my 1,300 at that price, to ensure I’d make a profit for the week.

Last night, I spent some time testing things out as I try to decide on a layout for my Mario obstacle course. I figured some things out, and I have a general idea of what I want to do…but it’s going to take a while.

I ordered the Mario outfit and I also made Tom Nook redesign my house with red and white (for Mario month). The outfit arrived today, and the changes to my house were finished today as well. Here’s a look at both.

My Mario outfit and red house.
It’s-a-me, Mario!
Uh, don’t mind the green hair though.

Several of my villagers commented on my new look.

Apple: Wow! You're at PEAK FAB today. Are you testing a new look?

Today, the Nooklings were buying turnips for 163 bells apiece…even better than yesterday! So I sold my remaining 300 turnips for a total of 48,900 bells.

Gulliver was in town, and I dug up his five communicator pieces for him. He will send me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

Reminder: There is no Friday Night Forest tonight. Maybe next week, but that will probably depend on whether or not I finish my obstacle course by then.

I also want to hold a one-year anniversary party on March 20th, which is a Saturday. A few of you may remember that’s what I did for City Folk’s one year anniversary in 2009 (see video), and I want to do the same for New Horizons as well. I just don’t know what time it will be yet.

Diving Collection Complete!

Today I went diving, and I caught my first spider crab. It’s HUGE! But more important than its size is the fact that I have completed my diving collection! Wahoooo!

Jeff, holding a spider crab: WAHOOOO!

That earned me 3,000 Nook Miles for completing the final “Underwater Understudy” goal.

All Underwater Understudy goals met.

Naturally, I donated the spider crab to the museum. Blathers confirmed that the sea-creature collection is now complete. 😎 Midge was already at the aquarium, checking out the sea creatures.

Midge, looking at sea creatures in the museum: The mystique of life itself.

At the plaza, Apollo and Louie were holding sticks and running around. But Apollo stopped to tell me about the food he smelled when he walked by Tia’s house. 😛

Apollo: My tummy's still rumblin' now!
Louie looks so happy here.

When I checked my mail, I found the five Nintendo items I ordered…including three pipes. I also had a letter from TZ, and she sent me a pipe as well. Thanks, TZ! I just don’t know how I’m going to use all of these…I have six, and that’s probably way more than I need. 😛

The Thwomp is cool too, because it automatically slams to the ground when you approach it. But unfortunately, you can’t run under it when it’s up.

A Thwomp slams to the ground.

The five Mario items I ordered today were another Thwomp, a ? block, a goal pole, a large mushroom platform (I want to see how it works), and a Super Mushroom.

Jolly Redd was in town, and he had two works of art that were clearly fake; I wasn’t sure about the other two. But I took a chance on a worthy painting, and I’ll find out tomorrow if I made a wise decision.

Now that March is here, it’s time to make my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover. If you’re not aware, it’s my own St. Patrick’s Day character that I first made in ACCF way back in 2009. I’ve been dressing up this way in Animal Crossing games every March since then.

The outfit consists of a mohawk wig, club tee, and dyed green hair. (Green contacts are optional.) Unfortunately, New Horizons doesn’t have the club tee, so I had to make my own.

Mohawk McClover makes his New Horizons debut.

Have a great day, and I’ll see you next time. Never Stop Crossing!

Ordering Mario Items

Yesterday, I opened my mailbox to find that both Xavier and Nami sent me hot dog buns costumes. Now I can be an official member of the hot dog gang, the Weenie Heads! Nami’s letter referenced some things Allie said in one of my old ACCF Wi-Fi Moments videos. 😂

Dear Jeff, Congratulations! You are now an official weenie heads member! Now nobody will mess with you! -From Nami

Daisy Mae was in town, and I bought 1,300 turnips from her, at a cost of 103 bells apiece.

Today is March 1st: The day we can start ordering Mario items! So the very first thing I did was check the catalog and started ordering. I decided to order three of the pipes, so I can start thinking about how to use them in my obstacle course. I also ordered a block and a Thwomp.

Thwomp: 3,000 bells.

The Thwomp in particular seems to be ideal for an obstacle course.

There are 33 Mario items to order…and you can only order five per day. Oof. The good thing is that these items show up as “promotion” items (like the linked Pocket Camp items), not seasonal items. So they are not time-limited; you can order them year-round.

Another seasonal item showed up in the app today, a pi pie. It only costs 314 bells, but it’ll be a while until I can order it since I’ll be busy buying Mario items for the foreseeable future. 😛

The pi pie in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It sells for 314 bells.

I then checked my mail and found two letters from Ethan: He sent me two pipes! I was able to test them out and warp between them. Thanks, Ethan!

Jeff warps between pipes.

Saharah was in town, and I got a western vista, red dotted rug, tropical rug, and circuit-board flooring from her.

I couldn’t find Apollo anywhere in town, so I checked the museum. And there he was, in the bug room. I just kinda hate having to search the museum to find villagers; it takes so long!

Apollo: Oh, hey kiddo. What's on your mind?
Don’t go chasing waterfalls, my friend.

March is here, and that means some new creatures should be out there somewhere. I went diving and caught my first firefly squid. Only one more sea creature to go!

I got a firefly squid! More like a glowswim squid.

I posted a new video today, comparing each version of my town Forest from across the series. From basic facts like the town fruit and grass shape, to my favorite/worst villagers I’ve had in each town, to things like my proudest accomplishments and remaining goals. I hope you enjoy it!