I received my latest reward from Gulliver in the mail today, a south pole. However, I still did not get the golden shovel recipe yet. Maybe next time. But I also had mail from Rover, and he sent me his photo as a memento of the May Day Maze. Here is a look at both items.

His favorite quote is “Always trust a smiling cat.”
Dodo Airlines also sent me the bell vouchers I earned in the maze.
Today is the day that Eloise has arrived in Forest! I welcomed her to town, although she was a bit busy cleaning up her house.

I found a lost item near the entrance to Sudden Valley. It was an autograph book that was covered in sparkly stickers, so I was sure it belonged to a peppy villager. I asked Agent S about it, but she told me it was Apple’s. When I returned it to Apple, she told me that K.K. Slider signed her book seven times!

She gave me a pilot’s hat as a reward.
Outside The Bone Depot, I ran into Bones. He was talking about befriending cacti.

Xavier invited me over to his island to wish Angus a happy birthday. I gave Angus a boomerang for a present. He gave me an instant-muscles suit in return.

Xavier remodeled his campsite area, and I was impressed by a cliff full of the same type of weeds. I know that sounds like an odd thing to say, but it looked really good!

He also had a ton of Jacob’s ladders lily-of-the-valleys around town. There doesn’t seem to be a maximum number that will spawn in New Horizons. In older games, you would get to a point where no more would spawn if you had a certain number already.
Before long, I returned home to Forest. Since this is my 5th day in a row blogging, there probably won’t be a new entry tomorrow. Unless something significant and unexpected happens, of course. But that’s probably not likely, since nobody is going to be moving out this soon. See you next time!