Eloise Arrives

I received my latest reward from Gulliver in the mail today, a south pole. However, I still did not get the golden shovel recipe yet. Maybe next time. But I also had mail from Rover, and he sent me his photo as a memento of the May Day Maze. Here is a look at both items.

The south pole item and Rover's photo in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

His favorite quote is “Always trust a smiling cat.”

Dodo Airlines also sent me the bell vouchers I earned in the maze.

Today is the day that Eloise has arrived in Forest! I welcomed her to town, although she was a bit busy cleaning up her house.

Eloise: As you can see, I wasted no time moving to this island. And what a charming island it is!

I found a lost item near the entrance to Sudden Valley. It was an autograph book that was covered in sparkly stickers, so I was sure it belonged to a peppy villager. I asked Agent S about it, but she told me it was Apple’s. When I returned it to Apple, she told me that K.K. Slider signed her book seven times!

Apple: You found my autograph book! There's SEVEN K.K. Slider autographs in here!
That’s a lot of Ks.

She gave me a pilot’s hat as a reward.

Outside The Bone Depot, I ran into Bones. He was talking about befriending cacti.

Bones: How come a cactus has needles? Does it not want friends? Does it hate balloons?
That’s a prickly situation, but you may have a point.

Xavier invited me over to his island to wish Angus a happy birthday. I gave Angus a boomerang for a present. He gave me an instant-muscles suit in return.

Angus: Name's Angus, and this here birthday party's for me! You got good timin', macmoo.

Xavier remodeled his campsite area, and I was impressed by a cliff full of the same type of weeds. I know that sounds like an odd thing to say, but it looked really good!

A cliff full of (pretty) weeds at sunset.

He also had a ton of Jacob’s ladders lily-of-the-valleys around town. There doesn’t seem to be a maximum number that will spawn in New Horizons. In older games, you would get to a point where no more would spawn if you had a certain number already.

Before long, I returned home to Forest. Since this is my 5th day in a row blogging, there probably won’t be a new entry tomorrow. Unless something significant and unexpected happens, of course. But that’s probably not likely, since nobody is going to be moving out this soon. See you next time!

May Day Maze 2021

Gulliver was in town today, and I dug up the five pieces of his communicator and returned them to him. I’ll be getting a reward (or two?) in the mail tomorrow.

I walked by the newly-vacated house plot, and I took a last look at all the trash around the area. 😛

Rizzo's former house plot.

I cleaned up the area after taking that picture, although I plan on leaving the garbage can there.

At town hall, I told Tom Nook that I wanted to attend a ceremony. So we headed up to my new ramp to celebrate its opening. Yay!

The opening ceremony for my new ramp.

Apollo was sick with a cold, so I bought him some medicine. He rewarded me with a garbage can…and then told me I deserve it. Thanks a lot.

Apollo: I'm all better, thanks to you. So I'm hopin' you'll accept a small gift. It's a garbage can!

Once I finished making my rounds, I bought some Nook Miles Tickets and headed to the airport. It was time to find a new villager! I wanted to find a villager who was either a villager that I liked a lot, or a snooty that was halfway decent.

On the first two islands, I found Stu and Rasher. They made for easy decisions: heck no. The third island had Bangle the tiger, and that was a tougher decision. I decided that if she was a snooty, I’d take her. But I googled her and saw that she’s a peppy instead. Sorry Bangle, not today.

Del the gator was on the 4th island, and I was very tempted to take him. He was kinda my buddy in ACCF back in the day, and I have some good memories with him (including some Wi-Fi Moments that I remember fondly). But ultimately, I resisted the urge to take him and kept looking.

Paolo was on island #5. He’s not bad, but if I didn’t take Del, I sure wasn’t taking him either. Ditto for Simon the monkey and Sterling the eagle. I considered stopping at this point and trying again tomorrow (if nobody moved in randomly). But I ultimately decided I’d buy three more tickets and stop at ten if I didn’t find anybody.

However, the 8th try was the charm! I found Eloise the elephant. Not only do I like her, but she’s a snooty! Say hello to Forest’s next islander! 🙂

Stu, Rasher, Bangle, Del, Paolo, Simon, Sterline, and Eloise.

Now Bones is going to be sandwiched in between two elephants! He’ll have Tia on one side and Eloise on the other.

With that settled, I again took flight…but this time, I used my May Day ticket. I tried out the new maze, and it’s a bit more complicated than the one we got last year.

The May Day Maze for 2021.

I apparently took a wrong turn and couldn’t advance further. So I had to restart the maze. But on my 2nd attempt, I was able to complete the maze and chat with Rover.

Rover: Hey, you! Wow, what are the chances we'd meet like this again? Congrats on making it to the end, by the way.

I enjoyed the maze, and I hope they keep adding new mazes for years to come. It’s one of the most unique events in New Horizons.

Before wrapping up my game for the night, I paid Tom Nook 10,000 bells to bury Rizzo to demolish that extra incline that I mentioned yesterday.

I’ll be back with another entry soon! Hope to see you then! Enjoy your May Day Maze!

Extermination Day

Today was Rizzo’s moving day, so I went to say goodbye to my arch enemy. So long, rat!

Rizzo: Even though I'll be on some other island far away, I'll think of you from time to time. Count on it!
Please don’t.

A message on the bulletin board announced that the May Day event starts tomorrow (even though it’s still April). It runs from April 29th through May 7th. Head to the airport to check out this year’s maze!

*May Day Is Coming!* Tomorrow, the May Day event begins! To celebrate, we're giving you a special travel ticket. To claim yours, just swing by the airport between April 29th and May 7th! -Tom Nook

The campsite has now been moved to its new location near the waterfall. I took out two of the benches that were there, because it was very rare that we needed all eight of those seats at once. Besides, we can always use the sitting emotion to sit around the fire now, so we don’t need as many benches.

The campsite's new location.

I continued reshaping the land at the campsite and Eagle Mountain, and I decided on a location for my 8th incline. I also paid the 168,000 bells required to complete the project.

The location for my 8th incline.

But since this is extremely close to another ramp, I will soon be removing the one to the far left in the screenshot above. This area is still far from finished.

I found a lost item (a book) on the ground near Able Sisters. It was a difficult-looking novel, so I figured it belonged to a “normal” villager. I asked Tia about it, but she told it probably belonged to Midge. It took me about five lifetimes to find Midge (after I circled town twice, checked every villager’s house, and every exhibit in the museum). But once I did, she gave me a sailor-style shirt to thank me for returning the book.

Tomorrow, I’ll be doing some mystery island hopping to look for a new villager! There’s also the May Day Maze, so I may check that out tomorrow as well.

No Friday Night Forest this week, but I’m going to try to have it next week…once my town is a bit more organized and not still undergoing construction. See you soon!