Wario Hat for Rizzo

Yesterday, O’Hare was camping over at the campsite. I’m not interested in having him move into town, but I was happy to say hello to the guy.

O'Hare: I'll be here for a little while, laughing sometimes and fake-crying other times... Ah, the life of a performer...

I had accidentally ordered a Wario hat that I didn’t need, so I decided to give it to Forest’s own villain…Rizzo. He put the hat on right away, and he gave me a flashy jacket in return.

Rizzo, wearing a Wario hat: Thanks--I feel spiffier already!

Later, Sam asked me to check out his new obstacle course and give him some input on it. So I headed to his town of Seattle; Jac and Nicky also joined in (and later, Matthew as well). But first, Sam wanted to give a tour of his town. A lengthy, hour-and-a-half long tour. 😛

He has a nice town, with a lot of my favorite villagers (including Bob, Lolly, Tangy, Tom, and Shep). But we eventually made it to the obstacle course.

Sam's obstacle course.

It’s quite short, as you can see, but I liked it. I lost to Sam in the first race, and they held a few more races. But I noticed that the person in the top row (yellow) reached the finish line first every time. (The tracks both had a pitfall, but in different places.) Maybe it was just a coincidence, but if it was my track, I’d keep an eye on future results to see if it has a possible balance issue.

Today, Louie sent me some art in the mail: a dynamic painting! It was authentic, but I already have it in my museum. So I’ll probably save it as a future prize for something.

Many of my villagers were talking about the fishing tournament coming up on Saturday. But Apple was just wondering what she should wear to the event. She wants to look good when she accepts her trophy…

Apple: I have to start thinking about what I'm going to wear. I've got to look good when I accept my trophy...

Too bad it doesn’t work that way any more. Unlike New Leaf, there are no trophy ceremonies in this game (unfortunately).

Label was in town, and she again wanted to see a vacation look. But I’ve already passed this test! She gave me a groovy shirt to get me started, so I put it on. I also added the other pieces that I used before to pass this test: moccasin boots, soccer shorts, and a skateboarding helmet. She loved the outfit, and she rewarded me with a Labelle cap.

Wearing a 'vacation' look.

Over at the arcade, Tybalt said he could spend a whole day playing on a pinball machine. That sounds fun, although I think I’d get a bit tired of it before the day was through. 😛

Tybalt: Ooh, I could really lose a whole entire day playing with a pinball machine...

See you all next time!