Wisp’s Coins

Late last night, I started up the game again briefly to check for Wisp (for a video). Sure enough, he was in town…up on Rainbow Road in the Mario area. I collected his spirits for him, and in return, he gave me a red intricate wall. But the most interesting part is that I learned that Wisp can collect those Mario coins when he walks floats over them!

Wisp: Here, have... a red intricate wall!

Today, I found a bunch of star fragments on the beach from last night’s meteor shower. That included three Aries fragments; I used two of them to make an Aries rocking chair.

K.K. Slider was at the plaza for his Saturday night performance, and I joined Tia and Apple to enjoy a rendition of Agent K.K.

K.K. Slider performs for Tia, Apple, and Jeff.

It’s too bad that Agent S wasn’t there to hear her theme song! 😉

I saw several posts on the bulletin board from last night’s visitors, but none were more terrifying than Logan’s self-portrait. 😛

Logan's artwork of Shrek? Or is it a self-portrait?

There was another meteor shower tonight, so I wished on a few more shooting stars.

I’ll be posting a new video on Youtube tomorrow. It’s not strictly about New Horizons, but it will have a few clips from ACNH, and some from City Folk and GameCube as well.

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