Appleā€™s Crazy Dreams

I spoke with Hornsby near town hall last night, and he asked if I was there to do some community work.

Hornsby: Are ya gonna start doing community work?

He said he had to work once, and it was the worst. šŸ˜‚

Hornsby: I had to work once. It was the worst!

I saw Wisp up near the rock-head statue in Donkey Kong Country, and I posed for a photo. šŸ˜›

Jeff sees a ghost!

I tracked down his five spirits, and he gave me a blue camo wall for returning them. Unfortunately, I got ambushed by tarantulas twice on the night. Yep, twice. Two times. āœŒļø

Today, I received a letter from Apple. She told me she saw me in her dreams last night, and I was a huge dancing beetle!

I saw you in my dreams last night. It was CRAYzeeeeeee! So tell me--were you there on purpose? I thought maybe you have something important to tell me? Like why you were a huge dancing beetle? Let me know! -Apple
Lay off the drugs, Apple. šŸ˜‚

I also ran into Apple at Able Sisters. She said she puts as little thought as possible into her purchases, so that she never has to wonder what she was thinking. Thatā€™s anā€¦ uhā€¦ interesting way of doing things.

Apple: See, I spend my bells with as little thought as possible so I never have to ask myself, 'What was I thinking?'

Saharah was in town, and I bought a turquoise heart rug, heavy-curtain wall, peach checked rug, and imperial tile from her.

Yesterday, I posted a new video taking a look at five Animal Crossing special characters that are not animals (plus a couple more that might not be). I hope youā€™ll give it a quick watch!

One thought on ā€œAppleā€™s Crazy Dreamsā€

  1. Hi, Jeff. Just followed you on Facebook. I got Facebook not too long ago, ā€˜cause my mom suggested using it, ā€˜cause itā€™s pretty fun. šŸ™‚

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