I received my latest reward from Gullivarrr in the mail today, and it was a pirate bandanna. I’ve received a black one of these before, but this one was blue. It’s not bad, but I typically prefer furniture over clothing items.

Agent S was sitting on the chair next to her house, enjoying a donut. Well, I guess she was enjoying it; I’m not sure what this expression was all about.

I attended K.K. Slider’s show at the plaza, and he played K.K. Lament for me and Louie.

Unfortunately, the hangout at a friend’s town that I was planning on attending tonight was canceled. But I used the time to think about some upcoming changes to my island. When you’re in a New Horizons lull, nothing can snap you out of it like some new island redecorating ideas.
I’ve been thinking about making a fairly significant change: Moving the museum. I want to put it in the northwest corner of town, up on Eagle Mountain. Its current spot is some prime real estate that’s right near the airport (and in the flyover area). Even though I don’t have any specific ideas of what to put there, I could (possibly) use it for a seasonal display, or maybe just something different each time I open my gate.
But if I put the museum where I wanted it, Apollo’s house would be right in front of it…and that’s no good. So I paid the 50,000 bells to move Apollo’s house. He’ll still be on Eagle Mountain, but he’ll be a bit further east, near the pond and waterfall. Here you can see Apollo’s house, Apollo’s new plot…and Apollo himself, also enjoying a donut.

I may also end up moving the campsite too, especially if I add a more convenient ramp going up to the museum. But I’ll keep you updated in future posts.