I received my latest reward from Gulliver in the mail today, a south pole. However, I still did not get the golden shovel recipe yet. Maybe next time. But I also had mail from Rover, and he sent me his photo as a memento of the May Day Maze. Here is a look at both items.

His favorite quote is “Always trust a smiling cat.”
Dodo Airlines also sent me the bell vouchers I earned in the maze.
Today is the day that Eloise has arrived in Forest! I welcomed her to town, although she was a bit busy cleaning up her house.

I found a lost item near the entrance to Sudden Valley. It was an autograph book that was covered in sparkly stickers, so I was sure it belonged to a peppy villager. I asked Agent S about it, but she told me it was Apple’s. When I returned it to Apple, she told me that K.K. Slider signed her book seven times!

She gave me a pilot’s hat as a reward.
Outside The Bone Depot, I ran into Bones. He was talking about befriending cacti.

Xavier invited me over to his island to wish Angus a happy birthday. I gave Angus a boomerang for a present. He gave me an instant-muscles suit in return.

Xavier remodeled his campsite area, and I was impressed by a cliff full of the same type of weeds. I know that sounds like an odd thing to say, but it looked really good!

He also had a ton of Jacob’s ladders lily-of-the-valleys around town. There doesn’t seem to be a maximum number that will spawn in New Horizons. In older games, you would get to a point where no more would spawn if you had a certain number already.
Before long, I returned home to Forest. Since this is my 5th day in a row blogging, there probably won’t be a new entry tomorrow. Unless something significant and unexpected happens, of course. But that’s probably not likely, since nobody is going to be moving out this soon. See you next time!
Now you gotta get Eloise’s photo too!
Hey, Jeff, guess what? My birthday is in 3 weeks. Remember when you uploaded that City Folk Moments video, which by the way is some of my favorites of your videos, on my birthday last year? I’ll never forget it. It would be so very awesome if you did something similar for my birthday this year as well.
Imagine getting an instant muscles suit for you birthday.