Yesterday, Rizzo told me that he recently tried his hand at plumbing. He thought it looked easy enough that anyone could do it. So he spent weeks trying to build himself a new shower. Once he was done, he tried it out, and the showerhead flew off, sending water all over.

He advised me to call a pro if I’m not sure how to do something. Well, I sure won’t call him!

Agent S saw me walking around with a shovel, and she got nervous that I might find some of the 73 pitfall traps that she “didn’t” bury around town.

Up on Rainbow Road, I found a lost item (a diary) that had a drool stain on it. That sounded like a lazy villager’s item, so I figured it belonged to Hornsby or Bones. I ran into Hornsby first, but he told it belonged to Bones. When I returned it, Bones rewarded me with a plover cardigan.

Label was at the plaza, and she asked me to wear a comfy outfit. She gave me a striped shirt to get me started, and I added some casual pants and rubber-toe sneakers. I thought that sounded comfy enough, but Label did not agree.
Today, Gullivarrr the pirate was washed up on the beach. I went diving for his communicator, and I found it on my 3rd dive. He will be sending my reward in the mail.

Not much else was going on today. I’ve kinda been in a lull lately, not playing the game as much (just 20-25 minutes a day to do the bare minimum). Sometimes this happens, especially when I’m not working on a project (like a new part of town or obstacle course).
But also, I’ve been working on videos more this past week, posting three since Sunday…including this one taking a look at nine Mario items that were in previous Animal Crossing games, but did not return in New Horizons.
I actually have another video coming tomorrow, but it’ll be a City Folk video. And I will be back with another blog entry tomorrow, as I plan to visit a friend’s town tomorrow night. Enjoy your weekend!