Yesterday, Gulliver was in town…and he was standing in the water.
I dug up the five pieces of his communicator and returned them to him.
FYI, a cool globe is now available from Nook Shopping as a seasonal item for Nature Day. It costs 2,300 bells.
Flip the monkey was camping at the campsite, but I was not interested in asking him to move in.
I played a treasure hunt game with Bones, and he only gave me three minutes to find the treasure. However, it only took me about one minute to find the prize (a denim jacket). 
Today, I received my latest reward from Gulliver: an alpinist hat. Apparently, I haven’t helped Gulliver 30 times yet because I still didn’t get my golden shovel recipe. I’ve seen other people getting theirs lately though, so I’m sure most of us who started on launch day are getting close to unlocking it!
Celeste was in town, and she taught me the DIY recipe for a crewed spaceship.
Around 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Logan Shrek, Samzyy, Alex from A-Nation, Jake, Nami, and Timo came over. I led them over to my new structure, but Logan/Shrek fell into the first two pitfalls of the night. 
My new structure is an ocean sunfish tower.
The only problem is that it’s difficult to view the whole thing. I may need to redesign it, possibly with an observation deck one level up.
At about 10:30, Alex from Pawnee came over, Jake disconnected, and Xavier joined in. We had a full house, so I suggested some Mario races. However, it quickly became clear that we were experiencing far too much lag to run the races smoothly. But we raced anyway.
After everybody raced once, Samzyy left and T Zelda arrived. I asked if people wanted to continue racing, but Alex pointed out that Celeste was in town, so everyone kinda took off to see her.
Shortly after that, we had an impromptu outfit-changing session.
Xavier said it was “delightfully insane,” and I couldn’t agree more. 
We then hung out on the Super Mario Sunshine beach (and jail cell), and TZ left about 11:30.
We had a sea-creature catching competition, but I was hampered with some extreme lag. When I caught one creature, it took me a minute and a half underwater before I came back up to the surface. Later, a dive kept me underwater for five minutes as the timer ran out (and beyond). In fact, I was only freed when Alex from A-Nation left. But Timo won the event with 22 catches, so congrats, Timo!
About midnight, Calvin came over as I was trying to wash my fish in the fountain. 
Logan left, and the rest of us played some music, hung out at Sudden Valley, and tried to eat Nami’s pancakes.
I ended the session about 12:40. Thanks to everyone who came, it was fun! You’ll be seeing some of tonight’s best moments in a future Wi-Fi Moments video. Have a great weekend, everyone!