Gullivarrr was in town today, so I went diving to find his communicator. I got it on my first try, and he will be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.
Eloise surprised me by teaching me a new reaction today: She taught me “thought.” It’s nice that I can finally use my brain to think!

Even though I knew I still needed a couple of snooty reactions, I didn’t think I would learn one this soon. It’s only been a week since Eloise arrived in town. I still need to earn Eloise’s “love” though, and that one is likely to take a while.
I recently finished up my new “Welcome to Forest” sign that I mentioned the other day. I placed it so that visitors can see it during the flyover, before their plane lands. How do you like it?

About 10:02, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. I was quite surprised to see that nobody came…until six minutes later, when Bran arrived. A couple minutes later, Timo also joined in. We performed some music in my house and then the two of them raced each other on my Mario obstacle course. (Timo won.)

I took them to meet Eloise, and we visited a couple other villagers as well. I then suggested a diving competition. After getting my timer out of storage, I set it for ten minutes and we began. I had 15 catches with 3:20 left on the timer when Alex from Pawnee came over. I finished with 18 catches, but Bran won the competition with 20. Congrats, Bran!

Just before 11:00, Xavier came over. We hung out on Rainbow Road and chased the ghosts of Timo and Alex (who jumped off Rainbow Road), and I showed everyone my new museum location.

We visited Apollo and shined a light in his eyes. Soon after that, people began disappearing…at oddly regular intervals.
- 11:30: Bran left for the night.
- 11:40: Alex disconnected and didn’t return.
- 11:50: Timo quietly left.
Xavier and I were the only ones left, and we watched the fountains squirt up at midnight, with town hall’s eerie silhouette in the background.

A few minutes later, I ended the session. Thank you to everyone who came! It was fun!