I received my latest reward from Gullivarrr in the mail, and it was a pirate dress. Even though I’ve received one of these before, this one was a different color (red).

When I visited Hornsby, he was talking about his pet ant. Not only is it the cutest ant that he’s ever seen, but the ant is apparently a great roommate who always pays his share of the rent on-time. Or so Hornsby says.

There was a lost item (a book) on the ground in the amusement park. It was a difficult novel that a voracious reader would have…so I figured it belonged to a normal villager.

I asked Tia about it, and she told me it belonged to Midge. I took it over to Midge (who was standing on Rainbow Road), and she rewarded me with an apron. Oh joy.
K.K. Slider was in town for his Saturday night show, and he performed K.K. Synth for me and Apple.

K.K. Synth is one of those songs that I like on the stereo (aircheck version), but not so much when performed live.
Agent S wasn’t at the show, but she told me that she really wanted to ask K.K. for his autograph.

She has some catching up to do, since her peppy rival Apple already has seven autographs from him.
I decided to move my garbage pail, which had been next to Rizzo’s/Eloise’s house. I considered putting it in Peach Park, but I ultimately decided to put it at the amusement park instead.

If it’s not raining in my town tomorrow, I’m going to try to update my dream then. So you all can meet Eloise and see any changes I’ve made to my town since the last update.