There was a meteor shower in town last night, and Celeste decided to show up for this one. She taught me how to craft a Taurus bathtub.

I crafted one right away, using some materials I had in storage.
Gulliver was today’s special visitor, so I dug up the five pieces of his communicator on the beach. I returned them to him, and I’m hoping that tomorrow is the day I get my golden shovel recipe. If it’s not, I’m going to go through my old blog entries and count all the times I helped out Gulliver to see if I’ve reached 30 or not.

Agent S told me about an odd spy comic she’s been reading. It’s called “You Can’t See Me, My Eyes Are Closed!” The spy has good vision, and he’s going undercover at a company which only hires people with bad eyesight. So he has to find a way to fail an eye exam.

I actually got stung by two scorpions tonight, even though I saw them both in time. One was in the corner of a cliff, and my net hit the cliff. The other one hid behind a tree where I couldn’t see it, from any angle. So when I swung my net at where I thought it was, it got me.
Note: No Friday Night Forest this week.