There was a meteor shower in town last night, and Celeste decided to show up for this one. She taught me how to craft a Taurus bathtub.

I crafted one right away, using some materials I had in storage.
Gulliver was today’s special visitor, so I dug up the five pieces of his communicator on the beach. I returned them to him, and I’m hoping that tomorrow is the day I get my golden shovel recipe. If it’s not, I’m going to go through my old blog entries and count all the times I helped out Gulliver to see if I’ve reached 30 or not.

Agent S told me about an odd spy comic she’s been reading. It’s called “You Can’t See Me, My Eyes Are Closed!” The spy has good vision, and he’s going undercover at a company which only hires people with bad eyesight. So he has to find a way to fail an eye exam.

I actually got stung by two scorpions tonight, even though I saw them both in time. One was in the corner of a cliff, and my net hit the cliff. The other one hid behind a tree where I couldn’t see it, from any angle. So when I swung my net at where I thought it was, it got me.
Note: No Friday Night Forest this week.
Can’t you check how many you have in the Nook Miles app?
The Nook Miles app counter stops at 20, so you can’t see beyond that. Also, it counts Gullivarrr visits as well, and those don’t count towards the golden shovel.