Gulliver sent me a letter thanking me for all the help I’ve given him. Instead of a hat or furniture item, he sent me a DIY recipe for the golden shovel! Yes! I’ve been waiting for this!

It requires a shovel and one gold nugget. So I grabbed some gold out of storage and made my first golden shovel.

I earned 1,000 Nook Miles for making it. I’ve now made three of the six golden tools in the game…and this is the first new one I’ve made in 11 months!

It’s kind of funny that it takes so long to get it, when it was the quickest and easiest golden tool to earn in the older games.
C.J. was in town, and he had a freestyle challenge for me; I just had to catch five fish in a row without letting any get away. I quickly completed the challenge and sold the five fish for 3,500 bells. But later, I got 11 fish out of storage and sold them for 97,500 bells.

Bones was talking about how good it smells inside Nook’s Cranny. Sorry dawg, but I’m not about to go sticking my nose in Nook’s Cranny.

Eloise was wearing sunglasses tonight, and I thought they looked very odd. Not just because it was dark out, but because her eyes are on the side of her head…so the glasses don’t line up with her eyes at all!

See you all next time. Never Stop Crossing!