Last night, I finished up my new basement. It’s based on the TV show “Lost.” If you’re not aware, it’s a mystery/fantasy (and later, sci-fi) show that ran from 2004-2010. It’s currently available to stream for free on IMDB (at least in the U.S.), and I recently binged the whole series. I loved the show (especially the first two seasons), so I decided to make it the theme of my basement.
To be specific, my basement is based on “the hatch,” which is essentially an underground bunker that was teased in Season 1, but fully revealed in the opening scene of Season 2. I used several patterns that I found in the custom design portal. The central feature is the computer, where occupants must enter 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 every 108 minutes.

Today, I visited Bones and he told me that he’s starting to like the electric shocks he gets when he drags his feet on the carpet and then touches the doorknob. He’s kind of a weird dog, but that’s why I like him.

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a theatrical outfit. I thought my pirate outfit would fit the bill, but Label thought I was trying to fool her by using a wand outfit! Why are wand outfits not acceptable???

So I went back home and put together an alternate pirate outfit…although I had to borrow the pirate boots from my wand outfit. But once I did, Label loved the outfit! She gave me a Labelle skirt for my prize, and I decided to continue wearing my pirate getup.

I later found a lost item near the river, and it was a picture book with candy crumbs inside. I figured it belonged to a lazy villager, so I asked Hornsby about it. It wasn’t his, but I was on the right track: It belonged to Bones. When I returned it, he rewarded me with a printed layered shirt.
Remember the waterfall structure I recently built near my “Welcome to Forest” sign at the previous site of my museum? I always intended for that to be temporary, and I actually demolished it today. I had an idea for a new structure to build. However, it seems that this location isn’t quite working out for what I have in mind. Everything I imagine always seem to require more space than I expect.
So now I’m considering other locations for it. Don’t get too excited, it’s actually not a huge project…but it’s something I think will be cool. However, I may end up removing an existing attraction to make room for it. And that’s okay. I never consider my island to be “complete.” Most likely, I’ll be playing this game for many years to come..and changing things up from time to time will help to keep things fresh.
I hope to have the latest changes done later in the week.
Bones is a very good dog, he deserves a bone.
I never watched Lost.