Today (May 18th) is International Museum Day, and it marks the beginning of the Stamp Rally event in New Horizons. Now through the end of the month, you can find three stations in each museum exhibit.

Get all three stamps in an exhibit and take your card back to Blathers and he will reward you with a plaque.

There are four plaques in all, including the new art plaque.

In other news, Olaf the Michael Jackson impersonator anteater was camping at the campsite. I just wanted him to leave me alone, so I told him to beat it.

While I haven’t yet made progress on the attraction I mentioned last night, I did make something else: a new competition! It’s basically a small, simple obstacle course for two people to compete head-to-head. It’s not a big deal, but it will give us something new to do the next time I open my gate. And that will probably be this Friday night.
When I visited Apollo, he thought I was dressed up as a pirate just to scare him. He even got mad about it! I should make him walk the plank.

Have a great day!