Fab is a Word

Yesterday, Gullivarrr the pirate was washed up on the beach. I went diving for his communicator, and I retrieved it on just my 2nd dive.

Hornsby asked me to make a delivery to Apple, and of course I agreed to help out. The gift was a garden faucet, and Apple loved it. She gave me a fitness tank to thank me. When I returned to Hornsby and told him the news, he figured that Apple probably said “that’s fab!” Even though she didn’t actually say that, Hornsby “corrected” her by saying that’s not even a real word.

Hornsby: Fab. A huh huh...that's not even a word... Fab...

Except that it is a real word…and Apple didn’t say it anyway. Hornsby’s brain must not be working.

Today, I received my reward from Gullivarrr in the mail. It was a (red) pirate bandanna.

The red pirate bandanna from Gullivarrr.

Bones was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for him. He thanked me by giving me a cycling cap.

Bones: OK, I took it! But I'm not better yet? That happens soon, right?

Jolly Redd was in town today. He had a fake jolly painting, a fake basic painting, a fake informative statue, and a solemn painting that appeared to be real. Needless to say, I bought the solemn painting.

Jolly Redd's selection for today.

Friday Night Forest is coming up tomorrow night, and anyone that comes can try out my new competitive event. I’m actually hoping for some lag, because that could make it more entertaining to watch.

The other attraction has been put on the backburner for now, and I’ll try to make it next week.