Late on Sunday night (technically Monday morning), I found Wisp roaming around town. I recovered his spirits for him, and he rewarded me with an exit sign.
On Monday evening, I saw that Deirdre the deer was camping at the campsite. But I was definitely not fawning over her. She’s nice and all, but I did not invite her to move in.

Eloise wanted to play a “game,” but it wasn’t really a game. She wanted me to give her my unfinished puzzle (in exchange for a mystery item).

I turned down the offer, and she told me to let her know when I stop hating fun.

Well what do you know? I guess she really is a snooty villager after all. They may not show it very often in New Horizons, but I saw a glimpse of it there.
I finished up my new area, and you can see it at the beginning of my latest video, New Horizons Moments #8.
This UFO spotting area is located where my amusement park was. I also demolished the log bridge near there, and I’m in the process of replacing it with a stone bridge. The log bridges were built in the early weeks of Forest, and I just used the cheapest option at the time. But I’d like to change at least some of them to better-looking bridges.
Today, the Nooklings were paying 317 bells per turnip. So I grabbed my 1,400 turnips out of my house and sold them all for a total of 443,800 bells.

That earned me 2,000 Nook Miles for completing the 4th (of five) goals for the “Cornering the Stalk Market” objective. However, the final one requires ten million bells worth of turnip sales, when I just topped one million. That will take me a while, especially since I rarely buy turnips.
I found a lost item near the fountains, and it was an exercise book. I returned it to its owner, Louie. He gave me a thick-stripes shirt as my reward…which he called a “big-ticket item.” I hope he was joking, but who knows what he’s thinking?

See you next time!
One day I woke up,Isabelle did the news and I went to work,I checked the beach to look for clients and found Louie! He said he wanted to feel like he was in a jungle lol