Full of Emotions

Eloise taught me her signature reaction today: Love! ❤️

I learned the love reaction! Be still, my beating heart!

Now that I’ve finally learned to love (like the tin man), I am full of emotions. Or at least, my reaction list is full. 😛 I have all 59 reactions that are currently in the game, although I imagine Nintendo may add more in the future.

When I visited Apollo, he started ranting about the syrup that they put on snow cones! He said that all the different colored syrups taste the same. He thinks they’re all banana flavored!

Apollo: The syrup that they put on snow cones all tastes the same! They've been lyin' to you with those colors!

But then, he mentioned that his doctor thinks his sense of taste is off and needs to be tested. So I guess that explains that. 😛

Apollo: Unrelated, the doc says I gotta get my sense of taste checked out one of these days...
Yeah…check your sense of taste, bud.

My replacement bridge was completed yesterday, but I didn’t actually remember it until today. So I missed the completion ceremony; it was too late to do it today. But here’s a look at the bridge that’s now made of stone instead of logs.

My newly replaced bridge.

I updated my dream town tonight, although it was done in the evening. So it’s not exactly sunny in town. But still, it lets you see my new UFO area if you’d like to check that out. The dream address is 6717-1633-3682. And I will try to update it again during daylight hours very soon, perhaps within the next day or two.

Later on, I spotted a rare sight outside of town hall: Four villagers singing together! Apollo, Tia, Apple, and Tybalt all sang in unison. How cute! 🙂

Apollo, Tia, Apple, and Tybalt sing in unison.

Flick was in town, and I sold him eight bugs for a total of 39,000 bells before wrapping up my game for the night. As a reminder, there is no Friday Night Forest this week.

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