One Month Photo

Eloise was crafting in her house today, and she gave me a DIY recipe for a bamboo stool. To my surprise, it was one that I didn’t have already. Even though I knew I was missing out on snooty reactions for most of my first year with the game, I was also missing out on snooty DIY recipes!

I then wrapped up a cool windflower wreath I crafted and gave it to Eloise. I was shocked when she gave me her photo in return!

Eloise: How can I thank you... Ah! Why don't you take this reward of Eloise's photo?

She has only lived in town for one month (to the day), so this is very quick to be earning her photo! I thought I got Apollo’s photo quick (7 weeks), but this is even faster. Wow, I think I just got lucky this time. 😛

Anyway, I put it in my house (but not on the wall just yet, since I’d have to rearrange them all). Her favorite quote is “An elephant never forgets.”

Looking at Eloise's photo.

When I ran into Bones, he wanted to move out of town! He literally just moved out of my ACCF town yesterday, so there is no way I’m letting this Bones go anytime soon.

Bones: Huh? You want me to stay? Well, spicy chocolate pie! I had no idea!
Spicy chocolate pie?

I visited Tybalt, and he was sleeping standing up…while holding a can of orange soda! Now that is hard to do! 😛

Tybalt sleeps standing up, while holding an orange soda.

That’s all for now. Have a great Memorial Day tomorrow, for those in (or from) the U.S.! I’ll see you all next time.

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