Golden Axe

Gullivarrr was in town yesterday, and I went diving to retrieve his communicator. I received his gift in the mail today; it was a pirate dress. I didn’t even check the color, I just put it into storage.

It was K.K. Slider night, so I asked the singing dog for a random song. He performed K.K. Cruisin’ for me, Apollo, Agent S, Louie, and Tia. Good song!

K.K. Slider performs for residents of Forest.

Louie told me a funny story about being chased by a tarantula. He said it chased him around the entire island three times! He had such a good run that he high-fived all eight of the tarantula’s legs. 😂😂😂

Louie: Best race of my life! I high-fived all eight of its legs afterward.

I found a lost item (a book) on the ground, and I returned it to Apple. She thanked me with a collarless shirt.

The rainy season seems to be here, because it’s been raining almost every day lately. And I’ve had to dig up sooooo many flowers. But at least I caught a coelacanth today.

As I was chopping some wood (and bamboo), my axe broke. And it was apparently my 100th axe broken, because I then learned the DIY recipe for a golden axe!

AH! I...I just came up with a recipe for a golden axe!

I went home and crafted one.

The DIY recipe for a golden axe.

That earned me 2,000 Nook Miles. It is my 4th golden tool, and I just have two more to go!

Four of six golden tools crafted.

I’m hoping to earn the other two, the net and rod, by next month when the full slate of summer bugs will be available.

I posted a new video today, Animal Crossing Quick Comparisons #3. It’s a short video that presents various comparisons in rapid-fire succession, so I hope you’ll give it a quick watch. 🙂

See you next time! Never Stop Crossing!