Graham the hamster was camping at the campsite today.

I was originally thinking he camped here before, but I was wrong about that. However, I did see him on a mystery island once last year. I wasn’t interested then, and I still wasn’t interested today.
I was playing in the early afternoon today, because I was trying to catch some new fish that I didn’t have yet. And my search paid off! Up on the cliff, I caught my first giant snakehead in a pond!

I quickly donated it to the museum, and I only have two more fish to go! And now that my list is down to just two fish, I consulted a guide to see what I was missing. One of them is a betta, which is another early-day fish. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch that one soon.
However, the other fish I need is a golden trout. It won’t be out until September, which is rather disappointing. But at least I don’t have to wait until winter.
While I was out fishing, I spotted a banded dragonfly. (I didn’t need it for the museum, but they’re valuable.) Even though they’re not usually very hard to catch in New Horizons (unlike in early AC games), this one was even easier than usual. That’s because it got caught in the bridge and couldn’t fly away! It was just a sitting duck!

Midge asked me to make a delivery to Eloise, so I headed over to the yellow elephant’s house. The gift was a stovetop espresso maker, and she loved it. She rewarded me with something she picked out just for me: a dog nose. Wait, what? Why?

Umm… thanks?

Hornsby asked me to catch a goldfish for him, so I tried…and tried…and tried. I tried for over an hour and a half, but I never found one! I hate failing requests in New Horizons, and this might be my first failed one. But when requests take up half your day, it’s really not worth it IMO. Sorry, Hornsby.
I haven’t started removing my Mario obstacle course just yet. I’m considering making a video that showcases various parts of my town (not a tour, though), so I don’t want a big chunk of my town under construction when I make it.
Later on, I found Wisp in town. I recovered his spirits for him, and he rewarded me with some pastel puzzle flooring.
Nintendo’s E3 Direct is coming up on Tuesday! I’m sure there will be some New Horizons update news then. Have they been saving up big feature announcements for E3? Or will it just be another standard update with a few new seasonal items and not much else? We’ll find out soon enough.
I’ll probably share my full E3 thoughts in either a video or a blog entry on Tuesday or Wednesday. But I’ll likely post instant reactions on Twitter. See you soon!
Update: Animal Crossing was not mentioned in the E3 Nintendo Direct. So there won’t be a video or blog entry about it, just my tweets.