Flick sent me a letter in the mail today, congratulating me on amassing 200 points in the Bug-Off competitions so far. He sent me a silver bug trophy, which I displayed in my house next to my silver fish trophy.

Hornsby had an epic rant about wind chimes, of all things. But I actually agreed with him. They can be really annoying when you’re trying to sleep!

K.K. Slider was in town, and I requested one of his secret songs, “Farewell.” Hornsby, Eloise, and Midge were also there to enjoy the show.

After the show, I took the aircheck to my stereo and stuck it in, thinking that completed my collection. However, it seems that I only have 94 songs and New Horizons supposedly has 95 in the game. I’m not sure which song I’m missing, but I’ll have to figure that out another time.
Up near the campsite later on, I found a lost item: a fabric bag that featured cartoon characters. I returned it to its owner, Agent S. She rewarded me with a fishing vest.
On my way back home, I saw Tybalt hanging out on a stone stool, holding a can of pop, at the oasis. I joined him for a few moments; it’s always nice to see the villagers using the areas you’ve designed.

Have a great day!
When are you thinking about updating your dream address?
It was raining in town today, but I’ll try to update the dream very soon. Hopefully in the next day or two, weather permitting.