Tuesday, I received my latest reward from Gulliver in the mail. He sent me (another) kaffiyeh.
Apollo asked about moving to another town, but it’s waaaaaay too soon for him to be thinking about that. Maybe I should clip his wings.
Yesterday, Quillson the duck was camping at the campsite. Even though I like his green color, everything else about him gets a big no from me.

C.J. was in town, and he said it was freestyle day regarding his seasports challenge: I just needed to catch five fish in a row to win. So I caught a tilapia, pale chub, sea horse, zebra turkeyfish, and a black bass to complete the challenge. After selling those fish to him for a fairly small amount, I went home to grab some fish out of storage. I sold him 20 valuable fish for a total of 267,450 bells.

Today, I listened in on a conversation between Apple and Louie. Apple was asking who the snazziest villager was…and Louie said he was. Annoyed, Apple asked who the cutest villager was. Again, Louie said that he was.

Apple got mad, and then Louie said that he was just giving Apple a lesson in improv. Apple said she was just pretending to be mad, but Louie didn’t believe her. Regardless, Apple vowed to find a better improv partner.

Flick was in town, so I grabbed some bugs out of storage for him. I sold him 16 bugs for a total of 84,000 bells.

As a reminder, I am hosting Friday Night Forest tomorrow. This will be the last time I’ll be running my Mario obstacle course. As usual, the blog entry will likely be posted very late (technically Saturday morning in most time zones).