On Thursday, Gullivarrr sent me my latest reward, a pirate rug. It’s the rug that looks like a treasure map. Out of habit, I put it in storage, even though I think it’s identical to the one I already had in storage.
Wisp was in town, and he gave me a mobile for returning his five spirits. Flick was also hanging around, so I sold him eight bugs for 75,000 bells.

Today was my character’s birthday, so Bones kidnapped me and forced me into his house. Midge and Tybalt were also there, and they forced me to celebrate by blowing out candles on my birthday cake. I also had to hit a pinata with a stick.

After a couple minutes, my kidnappers finally let me go.
At the plaza, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Birthday for me. Agent S was also in attendance.
When I visited Bones again later, he said we should be friends forever, if I don’t have anything else on my schedule. That’s so cute! It almost makes me forget about the whole kidnapping incident. (But not quite.)

I’ll be opening up my gate for people on my friend roster tomorrow night for the fireworks festival. I think I’ll open about 9:30 p.m. EDT, which is half an hour earlier than my usual FNF time.