
On Thursday, Gullivarrr sent me my latest reward, a pirate rug. It’s the rug that looks like a treasure map. Out of habit, I put it in storage, even though I think it’s identical to the one I already had in storage.

Wisp was in town, and he gave me a mobile for returning his five spirits. Flick was also hanging around, so I sold him eight bugs for 75,000 bells.

Flick: Let me know if you catch any more!
His eyes were bugging out.

Today was my character’s birthday, so Bones kidnapped me and forced me into his house. Midge and Tybalt were also there, and they forced me to celebrate by blowing out candles on my birthday cake. I also had to hit a pinata with a stick.

Bones tells me to 'Smack it!' as I hit a pinata at my birthday party.

After a couple minutes, my kidnappers finally let me go.

At the plaza, K.K. Slider performed K.K. Birthday for me. Agent S was also in attendance.

When I visited Bones again later, he said we should be friends forever, if I don’t have anything else on my schedule. That’s so cute! It almost makes me forget about the whole kidnapping incident. 😛 (But not quite.)

Bones: Hey, I got an idea. Let's be friends forever. I mean, if you don't have anything else on your schedule?

I’ll be opening up my gate for people on my friend roster tomorrow night for the fireworks festival. I think I’ll open about 9:30 p.m. EDT, which is half an hour earlier than my usual FNF time.

Dangerous Midge

Celeste was in town Monday night, and she gave me a new DIY recipe for a lunar lander.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a lunar lander!

I later made one for my space room upstairs.

Yesterday, C.J. was in town. He wanted me to catch three big-time fish in a row, so I caught two black bass and a carp to complete the challenge. I then grabbed five fish (mostly sharks) out of storage and sold them to C.J. in Peach Park for 75,000 bells.

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 75,000 bells. Deal?

Today, I found a lost item on the King Tut race course. It turned out to be Eloise’s planner, and she gave me some coveralls with arm covers to thank me for returning it.

Eloise: I'm sorry to give you more to carry... but for helping me, you should have some coveralls with arm covers.

Gullivarrr was today’s special visitor. I went diving for his communicator, and I found it on my first dive! He called his buddies to be rescued, but in the meantime, he had nothing to do but practice his “mean” face. 😛

Gullivarrr: Ahhh, that takes a load off! Nothin' left to do but wander this here beach and look mean. Here I go! ARRR!

Midge told me that a dragonfly whizzed past her window today, and it startled her so much that she squished the apple in her hand! She was surprised by her own strength, and she thought she could be a danger to others…in the sky. 😛

Midge: I never knew I had that kind of strength. I could be a danger to myself and others, in the sky!

The latest game update went live tonight. It (re-)adds the fireworks festivals for this year, as well as some upcoming seasonal items we’ll get over the next couple months. But I didn’t notice any immediate changes, except for a new post to the bulletin board reminding us of the fireworks festival coming up on Sunday.

*Upcoming Fireworks Shows!* I hope you'll join us every Sunday in August for a fireworks show! We'll get things started at 7 PM when it's dark enough. Come and join in the fun, hm? Yes, yes! -Tom Nook

There will again be five fireworks festivals this year.

Gold Bug Trophy

Flick sent me a letter in the mail today, congratulating me for accumulating 300 Bug-Off points. He said my journey toward True Infestation is almost complete…although I have no idea what that part means.

To the bug-favored Jeff, Thanks for participating in the Bug-Off! You scored at least 300 points, so I've included your prize! Your journey toward True Infestation is almost complete! -Your Bug-Off host, Flick

He sent me the gold bug trophy, and I displayed it in my house. Eventually, I should find a better place for it than my bathroom floor, but this will do for now. 😛 I get so lazy when it comes to decorating the inside of my house.

My silver fish trophy and (new) gold bug trophy.

A few minutes later, I thought I was catching a shark…but it turned out to be an ocean sunfish instead. In this picture, it looks like I’m just casually tossing it up in the air. 😛

Catching an ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

At Able Sisters, Hornsby “bragged” that he knows how to wear hats. 😛

Hornsby: I don't wanna brag, but I know how to wear hats.

He was hinting that he wanted the tweed cap there, so I bought it for him. He put it on, thanked me, and gave me a tee dress.

Since I only needed one more house remodel to finish a Nook Miles achievement, I told Tom Nook to make my house yellow. That will (sort of) match the sand for my King Tut race that goes right behind my house…and I’ll get the Nook Miles tomorrow.

Would you like to place this order?

K.K. Slider was in town, so I asked him for a random song. He played K.K. Groove for me, Apple, and Midge.

Leopold the lion was camping at the campsite. He’s a nice guy and all, but I was not interested in having him move here.

Leopold holds a donut while camping on my island in ACNH.

I noticed that I only needed to dig up four more clams to complete the “Clam and Collection” achievement, so I went ahead and did that. It earned me 3,000 Nook Miles.

Clam and Collected: All five goals completed.

There are still a lot of Nook Miles goals I have yet to complete, so I may start paying more attention to some of them. But there are a few that honestly might take me another year or two.

Just a heads-up for people on my roster: Most likely, I will not have Friday Night Forest this upcoming week. But instead, I plan on opening next Sunday, August 1st (a week from tonight) for the first fireworks festival of the year.

See you next time!