Disappearing Elephant

It’s K.K. Slider night, and several of my villagers were seated around K.K. to enjoy the show. However, Eloise was standing right in the middle of them. She wasn’t walking through, she was literally just standing there doing nothing.

Eloise stands in the center of K.K.'s performance area.

So I decided to have a little fun with it…or at least try to. In older Animal Crossing games, you could request a phony song title and K.K. would (after the show), say something like “Sorry, but I don’t know _____________.” I used this multiple times in previous games.

K.K.: Thing is... I don't know why I kissed you. It's just not on my set light, dig?

So I tried something similar, and hoped that Eloise would still be standing there by the end of the song. I wanted K.K. to say “I don’t know why she’s standing there.” Once making the request, I sat down, and the song started. But something happened that I was not expecting: Eloise disappeared once the show started!

Everyone gathers around K.K. Slider, except for Eloise, who disappeared!

Just to be clear, she did not walk out of the area. But apparently, villagers who aren’t seated no longer show up during shows?? Watching villagers walk through shows was also fun, so I really don’t understand why they changed this…unless it’s just a glitch?

Once the song ended, Eloise reappeared. But I was very disappointed by something else: K.K. does not mention the song title you requested. He just says he “didn’t know the song you wanted.”

K.K.: Well, I've got a confession. I didn't know the song you wanted, so I pulled one out of my back catalog.

Oh well. It was worth a try, though!

When I spoke with Bones, he said sometimes plays so hard that he forgets to go home when the sun goes down. He also forgets where he lives, and even wonders if he’s a werewolf and if he ate someone. Wow, that’s really bad.

Bones: I scream, 'What am I doing outside? How'd I get out of my house? Am I a werewolf? DID I EAT ANYBODY?!'

But Eloise and Bones weren’t the only villagers acting weird tonight. Tia told me that she likes her ears in her tea! 😉

Tia: I'll come right out and say it... I like my ears, in my tea!

I did a little diving (to meet a Nook Miles+ goal, of course), and I found a scallop. Pascal showed up and started talking about tall people. He also made an X-Files reference, saying “the truth is up there” instead of “the truth is out there.” 😛

Pascal: Tall people, maaan. Is the extra reach worth all the bonked heads? The answer is up there...

I hope you’re enjoying your weekend. See you next time!