Phrygian Cap

A new seasonal item, the Phrygian cap, is now available through Nook Shopping. It’s for the French National Day, le 14 juillet (the 14th of July), also known as Bastille Day. It comes in multiple colors and only costs 880 bells, so check your catalog now through July 20th.

Phrygian cap: 880 bells.

It is curious that the French national day is now recognized with an item, while national days of other countries (such as the United States’ Independence Day or Canada Day) are not. Well, there’s always next year, I suppose. 😛

I was holding a bug net when I spoke with Agent S, and she said she was excited for me, and she called me the bug catcher of the year! I’d like to think this was because I recently completed my bug collection, but I’m not sure if that’s true.

Agent S: WOW! Look at the bug catcher of the year! I am so excited for you right now, you know?

K.K. Slider was in town, and I asked him for a random song. He played K.K. Bazaar for me, Midge, Tybalt, and Hornsby.

K.K. Slider performs for Midge, Jeff, Hornsby, and Tybalt.

Today, Label was in town. She wanted to see me in a comfy outfit.

Label: Try putting together an outfit that's super comfy.

She gave me a humble sweater as an example of what to shoot for. I put it on and spoke to her again…but that wasn’t enough to earn a proper reward from her. I should have gone home and picked up a good hat or accessory to add to my outfit; I think that would helped my chances quite a bit.

Summer Fishing Tourney

The game reminded me that the summer fishing tournament was held today, with C.J. as the host/judge.

Hello, everyone! This is a reminder that the Summer Fishing Tourney is now underway!

I was a bit short on time in the afternoon, but I squeezed in three runs. I scored 6 points, 9 points, and 8 points.

C.J.: SPLASH! That's 9 points!

C.J. informed me that I had 25 points in my pool, so I redeemed some of them for two items: a fish umbrella and a fish wand.

When I checked my mail later, I found an alpinist hat from Gulliver. I stuck it in storage without even checking the color.

I listened in on a conversation between Tia and Agent S tonight. Agent S was trying to decide on a gift to give Bones. She asked me how she should decide on a gift for him, and I suggested the “secretive research” response. Since she’s a spy, I figured she would like that option. 😉

Agent S: Ohmigosh! Spies are SO cool! I'm going to be a spy!

Hornsby told me about a game that he plays every night before bed. It’s called playing astronaut, and this is how it’s played:

Hornsby: I turn off all the lights and sit with a bucket on my head till I wake up on Planet Tomorrow!

Hornsby is so crazy. 😂😂 He said his grandpa taught him the game, but it sounds like grandpa was just trying to get little Hornsby to go to bed. “Here, let’s play a game. I’ll put this bucket on your head and you go to sleep.” 😛

Due to the fishing tournament, K.K. Slider was not in town tonight. I’ll have to check for him tomorrow night.

I posted a new video today, with yearbook-style superlative awards. I reveal my choices for best and worst new feature introduced in New Horizons, best and worst new special character, and things like the laziest, cutest, most improved special characters, and so on.

See you all next time!

Marine Day

Nook Shopping has a new seasonal item for “Marine Day” in Japan. It’s a ship-wheel door decoration. It can be ordered now through July 22nd for 1,300 bells.

Ship-wheel door decoration: 1,300 bells.

I ordered one yesterday and received it today. Since I didn’t have anything on my door, I decided to display it.

Agent S: What a super evening, in Miitopia!

And yes, Agent S is sitting on a log stool that I use as an exit for my King Tut races. A bit later, I found Agent S on another stool nearby–a stone stool–near the oasis.

Agent S and Jeff sit on stone stools at the oasis.

Gulliver was in town today, so I grabbed my shovel and dug up the five pieces of his communicator. He’ll be sending me a reward in the mail tomorrow.

Gulliver: M-my, uh... OH MY GOSH!

Not much else was going on today. But I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow.