The Astronaut Store

Yesterday, Apollo told me that he doesn’t like sweet foods…except for apple cider vinegar. 🥴 Yeah, I don’t think that qualifies as sweet, bro.

Apollo: Me, I don't like sweet things. Except apple cider vinegar. Gahaha!

Last night, I headed over to Alec’s town Onett to check out his new obstacle course.

Racing on Alec's obstacle course.

We ran the race twice, and I actually beat him both times. 😛 I like the course; it has a good mix of obstacles (climbing, vaulting, hopping over holes/water, and going over beds/benches).

Today, I noticed that a space suit was on display in the window of Able Sisters. I guess they’re trying to appeal to the astronauts in town. 😛

Able Sisters displays a space suit in the window.
I hope you can appreciate the gravity of the situation.

I found Celeste in town tonight, over at the campsite. She taught me a DIY recipe for a lily wand. She never seems to run out of wand recipes to hand out. 😛 It’s almost as if she keeps conjuring up new ones with the wave of a magic wand.

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a lily wand!

I posted my latest New Horizons Moments video today, so I hope you’ll check it out!

Note: I do not plan on having Friday Night Forest this week.

Apollo’s Birthday

Yesterday, Midge told me that she’s become obsessed with writing tools. In fact, she once paid 50,000 bells for a ballpoint pen! I hope it can write upside down for that price. 😉

Midge: One time, I bought a really stylish ballpoint pen that cost something like 50,000 bells, in the sky...

K.K. Slider was in town, so I checked a list of songs to see which one I was still missing. After I got my answer, I requested the song: K.K. Jazz. Bones, Apollo, Tybalt, and Eloise also joined me for the show.

K.K.: Right on. I'm tuned up and ready to roll. Who's in the mood for a little K.K. Jazz?

The funny thing is that I already got K.K. Jazz last August! But I have no idea why it wasn’t in my music player. I typically take songs to my music player immediately after the show. Maybe I forgot, and then sold it by mistake? I really don’t know. But at least I now have all 95 of K.K.’s songs.

Today was Apollo’s birthday, and I crafted a rocket to give him as a birthday present. He really seemed to enjoy the gift…and his party in general. Happy birthday, Apollo! 🙂

Apollo: Hope you're havin' plenty of fun! Didn't expect to enjoy it myself, but this day's fulla surprises!

Tybalt the tiger was also there to help Apollo celebrate.

Tybalt: Celebrating a friend's birthday with everyone like this strengthens your friendship muscles, like a tiger.

Right after I left the party, Wisp greeted me outside Apollo’s house. I collected his five spirits for him, and he gave me a cooler box. It’s not a new item, but it is a new color variation: It’s red! That was actually significant because it matches the cooler used in Arrested Development. So I swapped out the blue one (which I had placed behind my banana stand in Sudden Valley) for the red one.

For those of you also in the U.S., I hope you had a happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸🎆🎇

See you all next time!

Point of No Return

Gullivarrr sent me a pirate outfit in the mail today; I just put it into storage for now.

Eloise taught me a new DIY recipe, for an ironwood low table. I made one, wrapped it up, and gave it to Agent S as a birthday present. Happy birthday, Agent S!

Agent S: Can I have my birthday present now?

She seemed to enjoy the present, and she had a good time at the party. Apollo was also there to help her celebrate.

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a theatrical outfit. I changed into my pirate clothing (just like last time she wanted something theatrical), and again she loved it. She rewarded me with a Labelle dress.

Up at the campsite, I found Peanut the squirrel. She’s adorable, but I didn’t want to kick anyone out to get her.

Peanut, camping: Hi there! I'm Peanut, and I'm totes camping on your awesome island!

After making my rounds, I crafted a bunch of pitfall seeds and prepared my town for Friday Night Forest. A bit after 10:00, I opened my gate. Logan, Timo, and Sean were the first people to arrive. This was Sean’s first time in Forest. We first headed over to visit Agent S; Tia was now there to celebrate with her. Logan actually gave Agent S a 100k computer! 😮

We headed over to the Tut race, and that’s when William came over. The five of us ran our first race of the night, and Louie was on the course as a bonus obstacle. 😛 William won the race.

Two Tuts fall, and one other runs into Louie during a race.

Alex from Pawnee then came over, and we raced again (with six contestants this time). However, we didn’t exactly get to finish the race because MaryAnn showed up mid-race. 😂 Since we now had seven racers, I announced that it would be a prize round…with the winner got a painting! So we raced, and William won again. Congrats!

We took a short break from the racing at this point. I reminded people it was Agent S’s birthday, since some of them weren’t here the first time. And then I turned into Spider-Man.

Timo holds up a spider crab to Jeff's face.
I’m not wearing sunglasses in this photo.

Xavier then came over, and we had a full house! I suggested another Tut race with all eight of us, and this time Timo won. I think I came in 6th place, which was probably my worst performance yet. 😛

After that, we pretended to fish in the river just to see all our bobbers. Logan climbed up a waterfall/UFO structure…and then he couldn’t get down!

Logan: Local man gets stuff in cliff.

The only way down was to climb down the right side. But even though he was able to jump to the left part, he couldn’t jump back! Sean climbed up and jumped to the left (joining Logan), and then, Logan was freed. But now Sean couldn’t jump back, and he was stuck!

We hung out there, mostly talking about Nintendo…including 3DS and Wii U, and possible New Horizons updates. Around midnight, Logan left for the night. I went to go see if any of my villagers were crafting, and as soon as I left the area, Sean was able to get unstuck. 😛

T Zelda came over to restock Forest to full capacity. As for the waterfall/UFO cliff, it claimed another victim as William went up to check it out…and also got stuck.

William gets stuck on a cliff.

Curiosity keeps killing the cat, over and over. 😛 After about 15 minutes of being stuck there, William left for the night.

Interestingly, Timo was able to get unstuck from that spot multiple times. Apparently, you have to jump at a very specific angle to get out? I don’t know. 😛 Anyway, Sean left a few minutes later, and the rest of us went to say hello to Peanut at the campsite.

I was then surprised to see Rodney come over. I played with him in New Leaf before, but this was his first time visiting in New Horizons. I wanted to let him have a chance to try out the King Tut race. So we headed back over the course, except for TZ, who left for the night, and Timo, who sat this race out. Alex won the final King Tut race of the night.

We fell into some holes over by the oasis, but it didn’t work very well. The stools aren’t lined up right for hole-falling, so it was kind of a mess. 😀 We just hung out for a while, until I ended the session around 1:30.

I had a good time, and I’m glad many of my regular visitors had a chance to run some Tut races. Thanks to everyone who came, it was fun! See you next time!