A Tremendous Gift

Yesterday, Apollo sent me a tremendous statue in the mail. I figured it was probably fake, since most art from villagers seems to be counterfeit. But I took it up to Blathers just in case, and I was quite surprised when he told me it was the real deal! 😮

But interestingly, it’s not displayed with most of the statues on the left side of the art gallery. Instead, it’s displayed in the bottom-right corner.

Tremendous Statue - August 8th, 2021 - Donated by Jeff
Thanks, Apollo!

The 2nd fireworks festival of the year was held last night, and Tia was having the time of her life.

Tia: I'm having so much fun!

Over at the plaza, Isabelle gave me a heart bopper, and I took a seat to enjoy the fireworks for a while.

Watching the fireworks in Forest.

I also bought a few more items from Jolly Redd. But this time, I seemed to be getting mostly fireworks instead of edible items.

Today, Bones seems to have figured out that he’s just a character in a video game! 😮

Bones: They say the island is just a game. And everything we say? Or do? It's just to amuse somebody else!

But after his long speech filled with great examples of clues he should have picked up on, he said he was just joking. 😛

Flick was in town, so I grabbed nine bugs out of storage and sold them for 102,000 bells.

Flick: Ahem. Can I offer you, say, 102,000 bells for the bunch of them?

I posted a new video yesterday, taking a look at some additional typos and mistakes that I’ve encountered in the Animal Crossing series. I hope you enjoy it!

See you next time!