Midge Flies Away

Yesterday, Agent S told me that she wanted to get her brand out there. She wanted to go viral, so she asked me to spread the word that she is a virus. I’m not sure that’s exactly how that works, but okay. Agent S is a virus, everybody!! 😂

Agent S: Just tell folks stuff like, 'Hey, you know Agent S? She's a total virus!'

Jolly Redd was in town, but his only authentic work of art was a worthy painting, which I already had in the museum. But I still bought it for a future prize. The purchase earned me 3,000 Nook Miles, because I have now spent five million bells on the island.

Bell Ringer: All goals met.
I just hit 1.2 million miles.

Midge told me that she was thinking about moving away, and I told her to go for it. I like Midge a lot, but it’s time to move on.

Midge: I'm excited for a new adventure, but I know I'm going to miss you!

Today, she was all packed up and ready to go. I made sure to say goodbye to her. Good luck to you, Midge! I’m sure we’ll meet again in the future!

Midge: I'm a little sad to be leaving, but I'll be hoping for the best for you!
The same to you, Midge!

The mood was quite different at Tybalt’s house; he was celebrating his birthday! I gave him a tiger jacket for his present. Happy birthday, Tybalt!

Tybalt, at his birthday party: What?! An honest-to-goodness tiger jacket?!

His next-door neighbor Apple was also there to help him celebrate.

Apple: I hope this birthday is a super-mega-awesome one for Tybalt!

Hornsby told me that he likes to mix things up on his daily walks, just to keep the bugs guessing where he’s at. 😛

Hornsby: Gotta keep the bugs guessing! 'Where's Hornsby?!' I could be anywhere!

I then spent some time completing some Nook Miles+ goals, and earning Miles I don’t need. 😛 Then I wrapped up my night in Forest. I’ll be back again soon though, because I’ll have some villager hunting to do!