Mermaid Day?

On Sunday night, the final fireworks festival of the year was held. I attended briefly, stopping by to get my star bopper from Isabelle and a few more goodies from Redd.

Enjoying the final fireworks festival of 2021.

After being bumped from performing on Saturday and Sunday, K.K. Slider was finally in town for a rare Monday night show. This time, he performed K.K. Jongara for me, Agent S, and Hornsby.

K.K. Slider performs for Agent S, Hornsby, and Jeff.

Yesterday, Bones gave me a gift that reminded him of me: a peasant blouse! I guess he thinks of me as a peasant! 😮

Bones: A peasant blouse! I saw it and thought of you! I hope ya like it!

C.J. was in town, and he wanted me to catch three small-fry fish in a row for his seasports challenge. So I caught two crucian carp and a freshwater goby. I then sold C.J. a number of fish I had in my pockets for 13,000 bells, but I didn’t return home to get any more out of storage.

Today (Wednesday) is September 1st, and it marks the unofficial beginning of autumn. Acorns and pinecones will once again fall from trees that you shake. Also, the grape-harvest basket is again available through Nook Shopping.

Gulliver was in town, so I dug up the five pieces of his communicator for him. I also used the opportunity to dig up some clams for fish bait. The last fish I need, the golden trout, is now in season again, and it’s very rare. So I’ll need all the help I can get. 😛 I’ll be searching for it in the coming days (and weeks, if necessary).

I was a bit surprised to find a mermaid princess dress in the recycle box today. I don’t normally see Pascal items in here. I’m wondering if Midge recycled it before she left, because I did give her one in the past (and this is my first time checking the recycling since she moved out).

A mermaid princess dress in the recycle box.

But that wasn’t the only mermaid-related curiosity: Both of today’s hot items at Nook’s Cranny were mermaid items!

Today's Hot Items: Mermaid table, Mermaid shelf.

Is it Mermaid Day or something? 😛

If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to hunting for that elusive golden trout. See you all again soon! 🙂

One thought on “Mermaid Day?”

  1. It ticks me off when I’m given the “sell shells” task, then given the “sell a hot item” task and both the “hot items” are mermaid (or shell or summer) furniture!

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