Apollo’s Bitter Pill

On Sunday, I found a lost item on the ground. It was a bag that featured cartoon characters. I returned it to its owner, Agent S. She rewarded me with some fishing waders.

Wisp was in town, and I gathered up his five spirits for him. In return, he gave me some cork flooring.

On Tuesday, Bones told me about a letter he received from his grandma. She said he was still her special boy…which made Bones wonder if he could be replaced. 😛

Bones: She said she was thinking of me, and that I was still her special boy... STILL?! Could I be replaced?!

Today, I posted a new video consisting of tools breaking…set to music. I know we all hate the fact that tools break, but it isn’t about complaining. It’s just a short, lighthearted video that will hopefully make you smile. 🙂

In preparation for that video, I broke about five or six tools yesterday, to get the last few clips I needed. So I found it amusing today when Tia noticed that everything I try to use has been breaking. 😛

Tia: Is it just me, or is everything you try to use breaking lately? Now my bug-catching net is starting to fray...
How did you hear the breaking news?

And as soon as I left her house, I dug up today’s glowing spot and my shovel broke. Right on cue.

Tybalt was crafting today, and he taught me a DIY recipe for a jungle wall. Surprisingly, I didn’t have that one already! It’s pretty rare to get new recipes at this point.

Apollo was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for him.

Apollo: It's so bitter...I LOVE it!

The instant that he took it, he said he was all better now. He rewarded me with a waistcoat.

It was raining in town, and Marina was out with an umbrella. She said she would someday like to share an umbrella with someone special. But I just liked how her thought bubble was coming out of her mouth. 😛

Marina: Someday, I hope to share an umbrella with someone special while rain falls all around us...

I delivered an item from Eloise to Apple, and then I met a few Nook Miles+ goals. After that, I wrapped up my game for the night. I’ll be back with another entry soon, though. See you next time!

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