September Seasonal Items

Some new seasonal items are available now, including a dango and moon cakes for moon-viewing day, and some songpyeon for the Korean festival of Chuseok. The moon rug from last year has also returned. You have until September 21st to order the items.

Dango: 1,100 bells.

Wisp was in town on Sunday night, and I gathered up his spirits for him. In return, he gave me a red perforated-board wall.

Yesterday, Bianca the white tiger (or snow leopard) was camping at the campsite.

Bianca, at the campsite: Hi there! I'm Bianca, and I'm totes camping on your awesome island!

I like her a lot, but still not quite enough that I would kick anyone out for her. I try not to force anyone out like that, but perhaps someday there will be a situation in which I’ll do it.

Saharah was in town, so I bought a mystery wallpaper and a mystery flooring; I didn’t bother with rugs this time. I ended up with a security-monitors wall and circuit-board flooring. Even though I like them, I already have them both.

Today, the Nooklings had a brine-shrimp aquarium (Sea Monkeys!).

Timmy: Seems like you're interested in a brine-shrimp aquarium.

I thought it would make a perfect gift for Marina, so I bought it and wrapped it up. Marina seemed to enjoy it, and she gave me a text shirt in return. I’ll have to check tomorrow (or another day soon) to see if she displays the aquarium in her house.

I posted a new “Quick Comparisons” video today, comparing more aspects of each game in the Animal Crossing series. That includes the number of villager species, types of flowers, types of fruit, letter storage, and more. I hope you enjoy it!

4 thoughts on “September Seasonal Items”

      1. True story: I had a free slot, so I visited a mystery island and found Canberra. I couldn’t get away fast enough! But ultimately the game gods gave the empty plot to Marshal, so I guess it was for the best.

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