Apple’s Birthday

I had a productive start to my session today: Immediately after checking my mail, I found three of today’s four fossils right near my house. Not bad for my first 35 seconds of gameplay. 😛

Three holes show the locations of three fossils I dug up near my house.

The 4th one wasn’t very far away either, so I ended up identifying all of my fossils before I was even able to check my beach. But once I did, I found Gullivarrr passed out on the shore. I went diving for his communicator and then returned it to him.

Nook’s Cranny had a synthesizer today, even though it was rather expensive (66k). Since I needed it for my catalog, I went ahead and bought it. I wrapped it up and gave it to Apple, because today is her birthday!

Apple: And SO expensive! Wow! Are you SURE you want to give me this? It's almost TOO awesome.

Forest’s other peppy villager, Agent S, was also at the party. It looked like everyone was having a good time! Happy birthday, Apple! 🎂

Agent S: I hope this birthday is a super mega-awesome one for Apple!

In case you’re curious, Keaton was the friend that attended Apple’s birthday party last year.

Back outside, Eloise informed me that a magazine has published a fashion photo of her!

Eloise: Oh! I almost forgot, ella-weez! A magazine has published a fashion photo of me! Yes, little ol' me!

It’s on the last page of a free magazine from her hometown, but still. Congrats to her! 🙂

Static has now unpacked all his furniture, so I got to see the inside of his house for the first time. He has a lot of black furniture (much of it is rattan) and a couple of electric guitars. I really like it! Well, maybe not the wallpaper so much, but everything else is great IMO.

The inside of Static's house in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

When I ran into Marina, I gave her an octopus that I caught while diving. 😛 She appreciated the gift, but she didn’t seem to understand that it’s the same species as her.

Marina: Oh, wow! I've always wanted my very own octopus.

I’ll see you all next time. Have a good weekend, everyone!

4 thoughts on “Apple’s Birthday”

    1. Yeah, their houses are similar with black furniture and an overall monochrome appearance. Apollo has more diner stuff and Static has more rattan furniture, but they both have a black rattan bed.

  1. This may be a weird question, but do you always play at night? I noticed in some of your blogs that you play between 6PM and 2AM. I’ve always wondered if you had a set schedule for playing AC. XD

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