A Million Bells of Fish

On Saturday, Gullivarrr sent me a pirate’s hat in the mail for helping him out last week.

When I visited Hornsby, he told me that his grandma made him dream of “pah-sketti” and brownies. 😛 I’m not sure how she “made” him do it, but it sounds like a tasty dream!

Hornsby: But last night, she made me dream pah-sketti with a side of brownies! Yummy-yum!

The Bug-Off was held, but I only played one round. I ended up catching ten bugs (for a score of 12 points). I redeemed my points for a termite mound and a bug wand.

Yesterday, K.K. Slider was in town after being bumped from his usual night thanks to the Bug-Off.

K.K., looking over his shoulder: ...Cool, I've got a slick one for ya.

I asked him for a random song, and he played Comrade K.K. for me and Bones.

Today, C.J. was in town with another seasports challenge for me. He wanted to see me catch three small-fry fish in a row. So I caught a clown fish, a crucian carp, and a freshwater goby to complete the challenge.

I had a huge backlog of fish to sell, since I’ve been storing my valuable fish for over a month. And that included a lot that I caught earlier this month while looking for my first golden trout. So I went home and filled up my pockets with fish from storage. C.J. paid a whopping 745,500 bells for them all!

C.J.: Oh, you got a whole school for me? All together that'll be... 745,500 bells. Deal?
This also helped alleviate my nearly-full storage problem as well.

Except that wasn’t everything! I returned home and grabbed another, smaller haul. I sold the rest of the fish for another 244,500 bells. That’s a grand total of 990,000 bells! Nearly a million bells worth of fish! Why does C.J. walk around with that kind of money? 😉

Note: I later caught and sold another 26k of fish, just to officially make it over a million bells worth of fish for the day.

Meanwhile, Hornsby told me that he’s been going outside and singing heavy metal at the top of his lungs. He’s a strange dude, but I like him. 😛

Hornsby: Singing! I just go outside and start belting out heavy metal at the top of my lungs!

See you all next time!