Meeting Tortimer

This morning, I dug up my gyroid fragment to find…that it was still a gyroid fragment. I forgot to water it! So I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get my first gyroid(s).

That disappointment was followed with another when I learned that the plaza train and plaza ferris wheel that I ordered could not be placed in the plaza. And while the ferris wheel is fairly big, it’s clearly not big enough for villagers to use. I was hoping we’d get some of those Pocket Camp style attractions that villagers can actually use. That’s a missed opportunity by Nintendo, IMO.

The plaza ferris wheel and plaza train.

But on a brighter note, these items would fit in great if I eventually decide to bring back my amusement park.

I took a plane out to Harv’s Island, where I got to meet Tortimer! Harvey introduced him as someone who can deliver and hold my belongings. But Tortimer quickly chimed in that that’s not all he does! That is very good to hear!

Tortimer: That's not all I do. Heh heh HORF!

But nothing else was revealed so far. I’m obviously not expecting a multiplayer mode at this point, but I’ll take whatever I can get. And I was unable to break into enter his RV. 😛 But I did take an antique photo with the antique special character.

An antique photo with Tortimer.

Harriet offered to give me a haircut, and I accepted…but I soon regretted it. Fortunately, she allowed me to revert to my previous hairdo.

Next, I took a boat ride to today’s mysterious island. There, I found Brewster! He agreed to come to my town, and he also gave me a gyroid fragment.

Brewster: Coo... You out here looking for gyroids too?

I also found another gyroid fragment on that island. When I returned home, I made sure they were all watered. They exhale a little puff of air to show that they’re alive, and they’ve been watered.

When I told Blathers the news about Brewster, he said he has to prepare the museum. So it will be closed tomorrow, and will reopen on Saturday with the Roost!

At Nook’s Cranny, I found a digital book of basic cooking recipes for sale in the cabinet. I bought it, but unfortunately, the shop did not have any food ingredients today. So I still can’t do much cooking.

As I did some fishing, I learned several new food recipes after catching different types of fish. That includes sea bass pie, which sounds completely disgusting. 😛

I could cook something with this fish. Yeah! I've come up with a recipe for sea-bass pie!

Celeste was in town for a meteor shower, and she now has new recipes to share! I learned how to make a yellow star rug. ⭐

SWEET! I learned a DIY recipe for a yellow star rug!

Thanks to the night owl ordinance, Nook’s Cranny is now open beyond the usual 10 p.m. closing time. But unfortunately, we only get one extra hour instead of the three extra hours we got in New Leaf! The shop now closes at 11:00 p.m., which isn’t that much of a help. Oof.

Nook's Cranny. Shop hours: 8 AM - 11 PM

I posted my video today, showing my highlights from last night and this morning. Check it out if you’d like.

And I have an update on my next online session. I plan to open my gate to friends on Saturday night (not Friday, since the Roost won’t be open yet), around 9:30 p.m. Eastern time. Anyone on my roster is welcome.

See you all next time!

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