Pigeon Milk

Gulliver sent me a hula doll in the mail today. I also received my calm painting from Jolly Redd, and it turned out to be authentic! So naturally, I donated it to the museum.

Calm Painting - November 13th, 2021 - Donated by Jeff

While I was there, I stopped in the Roost to get some coffee. Brewster asked me if I wanted some pigeon milk. As gross as that sounds, I said yes. But this is one of those times I’m glad video games haven’t emulated the sense of taste. 😛

Brewster: Coo... You want pigeon milk in that?

Shortly after 6:00, I attended K.K. Slider’s show. He performed K.K. Hop for me, Hornsby, Eloise, and Louie. As soon as the song started, my three villagers whipped out glow sticks! I couldn’t do that, but I could clap. And when I clapped, they also clapped (but only with one hand, because they were holding glow sticks). 😛

Eloise and Louie hold a glow stick and applaud with one hand during K.K.'s show. Jeff and Hornsby are also in attendance.

I took Kapp’n’s boat ride to a mysterious island, and I arrived on a winter island for the first time! Snowflakes were flying, but apparently it wasn’t the holiday season on that island. So there were no ornaments to be found.

A winter island.

Back in Forest, I moved my ironwood kitchen from outside and put it in my basement. I may make a kitchen…but then again, maybe I should put my gyroids down here and put the kitchen in my left room instead. Regardless, I made a new stonework kitchen to put outside (so I can now cook inside or out).

My outdoor kitchen and farming area.

As for outdoor decorating, I’m also considering removing my oasis and replacing it with something else. I may try some things out in the coming days.