Tia’s Birthday

Today (November 18th) is Tia’s birthday! I attended her party and gave her a customized tea table as her birthday present. She really seemed to love it!

Tia: This is such an amazing gift!

Tia’s friend (and fellow elephant) Eloise was also in attendance. Happy birthday, Tia!

Eloise: Today is a day for celebration! It's Tia's birthday! Let's be sure to make it fabulous!

That earned me 1,000 Nook Miles for attending my 20th party. I have now completed the “Birthday Celebration” Nook Miles goal.

Birthday Celebration: Celebrating the birthday of a fellow resident is a wonderful thing. Nook Inc. will commemorate your bond with some party-favor Nook Miles.

When I got some coffee at the Roost, Brewster informed me that the flavor of coffee is at its peak when it’s served at 176.46 degrees.

Brewster: Flavor's at is peak when the coffee's served at 176.46 degrees...

Interestingly, this is not the same temperature that Brewster states in New Leaf. In that game, he said it was 175.32°. I guess perfection is a moving target. 😛

Label was in town, and she wanted to see me in a theatrical outfit. She gave me a rose-print jacket as an example. I got my pirate outfit (and accessories) out of storage and put it on. Label loved the look, and she rewarded me with a Labelle coat. She’ll also be sending me two tailors tickets in the mail tomorrow.

Label: Amazing! I've never seen an outfit so perfectly coordinated!

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