Turkey Day 2021

On Tuesday, Leif finally had some sugarcane starts for sale on Harv’s Island. I bought ten of them and planted them when I back to Forest; I have a lot of recipes that are waiting on some sugar!

Redd also had new inventory on Harv’s Island: He had a fake gallant statue and a warrior statue that I think was real. I bought the warrior statue, and it arrived on Wednesday. I took it up to the museum and donated it. Not only was it authentic, but it somehow turned into about 15 statues! 😛

Warrior Statue - November 24th, 2021 - Donated by Jeff
The warrior had an army of mini-warriors!

I found Roald the penguin camping at the campsite! I like him a lot (well, not in Wild World; he was a jerk in that game). But if I had an open spot on my island, I would have taken him.

Roald: Heya! You live here? My friends call me Roald, b-b-buddy.

Late last night, Blathers made the long trip up the stairs to get some coffee. 😛 He even called me a fellow night owl, so that was cool.

Blathers: Hoo! I see I'm not the only night owl around here, Jeff.

Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S., which means it’s Turkey Day! I quickly headed to the plaza, and there was quite a festive atmosphere. Marina said it was a treat for Franklin to feed her personally. Wait, what??

Marina: It's such a treat to see Franklin feeding me personally. Aren't you excited, in Miitopia?!

Speaking of Franklin, I was…speaking with Franklin. He wanted to start the event with some clam chowder. So I helped him out by fetching three manila clams, and he started cooking!

Franklin: Let's get cooking!

I continued to find the ingredients for each dish, including a pumpkin pie, some seafood gratin, and a fish meunière. Once we were finished, he gave me a cornucopia and the recipes for each of today’s four dishes. If you missed out, the recipes will be available in the shop tomorrow.

However, Franklin wasn’t done. He wanted to improve each of the four dishes with a secret ingredient. A couple of the secret ingredients were easy as pie, but the other two were taking me a while. I had to resort to helping out my villagers. 😛

Apollo: Hey, kiddo, if you get ahold o' some seaweed, wouldja bring it by? I got ingredients I can trade.

It took some time and effort, but I eventually perfected all four dishes. Yay!

All four Turkey Day dishes sparkle with perfection!

I hope you all had a good Turkey Day!