On Thursday, Apple told me about a strange dream she had. A floating fish with a deep voice told her that she makes lousy decorating choices.

The dream freaked her out, so she wanted me to come over to her house for a bit. I did, and I hung around for a little while. But when I tried to leave, she stopped me! She said a lot of folks would love to spend time with a future famous person like her. Yikes.

Honestly, this is going to make me refuse visiting offers more often in the future if they’re going to do this stuff. So I waited a couple more minutes before trying to leave again. On the way out, she gave me the song called “I Love You.” I’m starting to think she may be stalking me.
C.J. was in town, and I completed his seasports challenge of catching five fish in a row. I then sold him nearly half a million bells worth of fish. (I had a lot of sturgeon saved up in storage.)
Yesterday, Tia approached me and said that she’s been thinking about moving out of town.

I like Tia a lot, but I felt like it was time to let her go. She’s been in town since the third week of the game’s release (so, over a year and a half) and I felt ready to freshen things up a bit.
I went diving and found a scallop, and Pascal popped up to ask for it. He then told me that castles are just like houses wearing armor.

I guess that makes sense, but I’d argue that they’re more like mansions wearing armor. You don’t see many house-sized castles, am I right?
Today, winter has arrived! Snow now covers the ground, and I built my first snowboy of the season. He taught me how to make a frozen mini snowperson. He didn’t give me the recipe directly, he just sent it to my NookPhone.

I then went to say goodbye to Tia. I’m sure we’ll meet again someday!

K.K. Slider was in town, and he played a song called K.K. Dub for me, Apollo, Louie, Marina, and Static.
Out on Harv’s Island, Tortimer has returned!

I’m guessing we won’t see Cornimer again until next autumn.
Happy winter, everyone! I’ll see you all next time.
Aw, that too bad.